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We bring together accomplished and aspiring cloud native practitioners to develop practical cloud native knowledge and skills, to discover and explore new technologies and ideas and to share our passion and expertise.
We foster instruction tailored to different learning styles and goals, with hands-on practice and experimentation. Together, we cut through complexity to identify the topics that matter most and learning approaches that work best.

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SUSE & Rancher
Be a part of our online meeting place for cloud native practitioners.


May 27th, 2022

Deploying Highly Available K3s with External Database

Introduction Having trouble deploying Kubernetes in a highly available mode and have a backing…

May 26th, 2022

Customizing your Application with Epinio

One of the best things about Kubernetes is just how absurdly flexible it is. You, as an admin, can…

May 17th, 2022

What’s New in Rancher 2.6.5?

With KubeCon underway, many of us in the cloud native community are looking forward to learning…

May 25th, 2022

Why Devs and ISVs Need to Rethink their Base Container Image Strategy 

Introduction In a world where stability, agility and security compliances are hot topics, it is…

May 17th, 2022

SUSE NeuVector 5.0 Delivers a Powerful Open Source Security Platform

I’m excited to announce the general availability of the SUSE NeuVector container security platform.

May 17th, 2022

A Zero Trust, Open Source, Cloud Native Security Model

By now you’ve probably heard about zero trust security. Zero trust is more than the latest tech…

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The OCTOPod podcast

The OCTOpod podcast

The OCTOpod: Conversations with SUSE’s Office of the CTO

Host Alan Clark sits down with leaders and experts in the tech community in the OCTOpod: Conversations with SUSE's Office of the CTO (that's OCTO). Alan has spent his career in enterprise software with a focus on open source advocacy and emerging tech. He’s contributed in many ways – from code to chairs, from networking to cloud. He has served on the Open Infrastructure Foundation, the Linux Foundation, openSUSE, Open Mainframe project, and many more. He’s met lots of great people along the way, and in Season One, he’ll sit down with a few of them to talk about the latest trends and challenges in open source. These include findings from a report on Why IT Leaders Choose Open, how to manage a community, the importance of diversity and inclusion in open source, and much more.

Listen now