NY governor candidate Lee Zeldin sign targeted with antisemitic graffiti

Lee Zeldin.
(photo credit: REUTERS)

A swastika and the numbers 187 were spray painted on the Long Island yard sign. If elected, Congressman Zeldin would become the first Jewish Republican Governor of New York.

NEW YORK —As the road to New York primary elections heats up, Jewish Congressman and Republican gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin became the target of an antisemitic vandal, local media reported. 

Hateful messages were sprayed across a "Zeldin for New York" campaign sign over the weekend on a lawn in Long Island's Suffolk County. 

"This type of raw hate must never have a home on Long Island or anywhere else."

Rep. Lee Zeldin

A swastika was reportedly spray-painted next to the number 187.

The number is the California penal code for murder and has been universally adopted as a common death threat. 

US Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY), the only Jewish Republican in Congress (credit: Courtesy)

Zeldin's race 

If he wins, Zeldin, 42, would become the first Jewish Republican Governor of New York. 

In a statement Sunday, the four-term congressman said: "In the United States, we settle our scores at the ballot box, and this type of raw hate must never have any home on Long Island or anywhere else in our state and country." 

Zeldin faces Rob Astorino, Andrew Giuliani and Harry Wilson in Tuesday’s GOP primary. 

In April 2021, upon announcing his run, Zeldin tweeted that he will bring New York back to greatness, adding that residents of the state are leaving due to "crushing taxes, lost jobs, suffocating regulations & rising crime."

"Throughout US history, NY has led the way forward for our country. From [George] Washington leading the Continental Army from Manhattan to [Abraham] Lincoln’s Cooper Union speech, & the rebuilding of NYC after 9/11, the Empire State has been a beacon of hope, progress & patriotism for 250 yrs.", he wrote.

"I'm ready to go all-in on this mission and bring New York back from the brink and return it to glory," he said. "For many, this feels like a last stand to save our state... Losing is not an option!"

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