PRIME MINISTER Naftali Bennett and his government attend their inauguration ceremony at the Knesset in July 2021.

Israeli Knesset dispersed, election to be held on November 1

The 24th Knesset voted to disperse on Thursday morning and to hold the next election on the first of November.
 Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is seen looking out of his office window.

Naftali Bennett to not run in next elections, Shaked to head Yamina

  IDF Samaria Regional Brigade commander Col. Roi Zweig talking with Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan, just prior to the shooting.

Three wounded in shooting at Joseph's Tomb

 IDF Unit 8200 deputy chief Col. U. is seen speaking at Tel Aviv University's annual Cyber Week, on June 29, 2022.

IDF stopped hackers from hitting US power plants - Unit 8200 official

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