Marshall Project data analysis of child detentions at US border

Data Journalism Top 10: Child Detentions at US Border, Slave Journeys, Aztec Iconography, Facebook’s ‘Broken Promises’

This week, our DDJ Top 10 looks at The Marshall Project’s analysis of child detention at the US border, the Baltimore Banner’s in-depth story on the city’s vacant housing crisis. Plus, we dive into stories using historical data to investigate how slavery broke apart families, a flight analysis on the new destinations of the Russian elite, and a look at Facebook’s “broken promises.”

GIJN Workshop: So You Think You Can Google?

GIJN is pleased to announce a hands-on session with search guru Henk van Ess, focused on helping journalists worldwide to find the best answers online in the shortest amount of time.

Megha Rajagopalan: What I’ve Learned About Investigative Journalism

Megha Rajagopalan has reported from over 23 countries in Asia and the Middle East, on stories ranging from the North Korean nuclear crisis to the peace process in Afghanistan. Her team’s investigation into prison camps in Xinjiang, China won a Pulitzer Prize. In this podcast, she discusses how she got into investigative journalism and gives her tips for speaking to vulnerable sources.