Nexway Blog

Nexway blog.

News and opinions on e-commerce
& online payments

Our team of experts post on topics such as selling software online, designing and optimizing subscription models, improving conversion and retention rates, turning payments into business development, setting-up tactics for an efficient purchase funnel, and more…

January 21, 2022

Reducing SaaS churn rate: The what, why, and how?

According to a study on SaaS growth and churn, churn rate costs companies worldwide a collective $1.6 trillion every year. If an SaaS business can keep […]
November 25, 2021
How big is the global e-commerce market?

Infographics: Global e-Commerce 2022 and Beyond

For businesses worldwide, the expansion of cross-border e-commerce offers exciting opportunities to reach new customers and expand into new online markets. The total value of all […]
October 19, 2021
Key Statistics and Predictions for Global e-Commerce in 2021

Key Statistics And Predictions For Global e-Commerce In 2021 – Time To Go Cross-Border!

Cécile Abescat Marketing Director Key Statistics And Predictions For Global e-Commerce In 2021 Time To Go Cross-Border! Despite Covid-19 e-Commerce sites have continued to develop their […]
September 16, 2021
Quick Product Marketing Tips To Kick Off Your 2021 SaaS Business.

Quick product marketing tips to kick off your 2021 SaaS business.

Cécile Abescat Marketing Director Drive demand and adoption of your SaaS product through product marketing. The SaaS landscape is full of opportunities… but it is also […]
July 20, 2021

Fraud rates remain at record highs – Are you prepared to fight it off?

Fraud is often considered as a ” bad word ” that should be rejected out of hand, believing that the company has all the firewalls, internal […]
May 18, 2021
Subscriptions in the Software Industry - A Powerful Model for Business Saas Growth | Nexway

Subscriptions in the Software Industry – A Powerful Model for Business SaaS Growth

Are you selling Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) or any subscription service? Then you are probably familiar with the struggle of increasing your recurring revenue. As a SaaS company, […]