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Editors’ picks

The plan to overturn abortion rights in Europe

The activists taking inspiration — and money — from US anti-abortion groups

NATO establishes program to coordinate rapid response to cyberattacks

The U.S. will offer “robust national capabilities” to support this program, according to a fact sheet put out by the White House on Wednesday.

View from the summit: A self-defeating G7 fails on all fronts

Leaders struggle to meet the moment on Ukraine, climate change, inflation, food and energy.

It’s not going to be easy for the G7 to cap the price of Russian oil

Legitimizing cheap Russian crude could boost sales and muddle the message on Ukraine.

NATO pledges 300K troops, then leaves everyone guessing

The alliance still needs to hash out how the details of how it will increase the number of troops on high readiness more than sevenfold.

Italy’s economy enters choppy waters

Italy faces a triple threat of a gas squeeze, higher interest rates and looming elections.

EU executive eyes Big Tech’s money to save 5G

Getting US firms to chip in is hoped to save Europe’s 5G rollout.

by Mark Scott

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EU engine ban splits Germany’s coalition

Key German ministers are at odds over the European Commission’s call to end the sale of CO2-emitting cars by 2035.

With Merkel gone, Germany gets tough on Brexit

New German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has Boris Johnson firmly in his sights.

Scholz adviser turns heads with appeal to consider future Russian relationship

German chancellor’s foreign policy adviser urges Europe not to forget about its long-term relations with Moscow and to tread carefully toward China.


EU ministers approve landmark climate measures, but tough talks await

Compromise puts the bloc a step closer to implementing sweeping rules to slash emissions.

The EU is delaying an inevitable debate: Will it rewrite its biggest rules?

Leaders avoided the question this week, but the EU will ultimately have to decide whether to change how it makes key decisions.

EU Parliament’s climate champion role in doubt after key vote

MEPs’ compromise to break deadlock is out of step with the reality of climate change, critics say.


Nicola Sturgeon’s two-pronged approach to gaining Scottish independence

‘Plan B’ would see the SNP treat the next general election as a de facto referendum.

Boris Johnson looks for love on the world stage

British prime minister embraces the ‘speed dating’ of diplomacy to escape domestic woes.

Boris Johnson arrives at NATO under pressure to boost UK defense spending

Prime minister insists Britain already spending more than 2 percent of GDP on its military.

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