Yair Lapid

Yair Lapid is a Tel Aviv-born center-left Israeli politician. He is the founder and chairman of the Yesh Atid political party.

Lapid served as the alternate Prime Minister to Naftali Bennett and Foreign Minister in a 2021 coalition government. He had also previously served as Finance Minister in Benjamin Netanyahu’s government from 2013-2014.

Yair Lapid began his public career as a journalist and TV presenter, before branching out into politics in 2012 with the formation of Yesh Atid.

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Consistency is the name of the game as Lapid enters PMO -analysis

Lapid’s tenure, which could be as short as five months but could go longer if a new government is not formed, will likely be one of continuity.

Yair Lapid to live in apartment in prime ministerial compound

He will stay in an apartment in a house inside the security perimeter called Villa Salameh, where security guards slept in recent decades.

Yair Lapid, do the right thing for the Western Wall - opinion

Why is my country shaming me for my Jewish practice? Is my desire to be an equal Jew a “finger in someone’s eye?”

Knesset passes law that defines right to independence for people with disabilities

The unprecedented law gives the disabled more control over their lives.

Government makes final push to pass endangered Metro Law

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Transportation Minister Merav Michaeli and Finance Minister Avigdor Liberman all called to pass the bill as soon as possible.

Iran deal results: Mossad vs. Mossad, IDF vs. IDF - analysis

If there is no deal, Israel’s shadow war with Iran may continue to escalate in the near future.

Netanyahu is standing in the way of stable government - opinion

Only an authentic unity government can provide Israel with a stable workable government. Unfortunately, as long as Netanyahu is leader of the Likud that is not possible.

The Lapid-Bennett experiment was a heroic success - opinion

MIDDLE ISRAEL: This, in a nutshell, is what the approaching election – the fifth Netanyahu has imposed on the Jewish state in less than four years – will be all about.

In Israeli elections, incoming Prime Minister Yair Lapid has head start

NATIONAL AFFAIRS: The benefits of running for prime minister while serving as acting prime minister.


Israel elections: Bennett is crashing in the polls

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s Yamina Party would win four seats if an election was held today, losing three seats in a span of three days.

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