

My first day at Guild started out wildly different than I planned. There was no HR orientation or welcome lunch — just a nervously typed email that I had been drafting… Read more

Candidates tell us everything we need to know about their suitability and fit for the jobs we’re recruiting for, the applicability of their experience and what they’re really thinking –… Read more

The first time I heard the term millennial, I was a few years out of college, and the world was melting down amid the Great Recession. In the decade and… Read more

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Your workforce is always going to be the most important influencer of your company’s success. As such, alongside upgrading technological tools, you need to make sure you maintain practices to… Read more

As a geriatric Millennial (as I fondly refer to myself), I deviated from the more analogue job seeking path of my predecessors, leaning heavily on online platforms to build my… Read more

According to last year’s CIPD Labor Market Outlook survey, nine out of ten employers say they rely on workers possessing language skills other than English. Apart from that, 56% of… Read more

A recent analysis from Deloitte found that 83 percent of surveyed companies suffered from “low people analytics maturity.” The same report described existing data tools as “under-equipped to identify potential… Read more

Diversity is among the top-three challenges facing talent acquisition this year, according to Findem’s Recruiting Trends Report 2022. Of the 100 senior HR leaders surveyed, 57% said diversity was a… Read more

Social responsibility and community-centric initiatives can no longer be considered separate from normal business operations: they need to be enmeshed within it, marrying the more practical aspects of everyday business… Read more

Effective January 2, 2023, a new law prohibits employers from using artificial intelligence (“AI”) tools to make hiring decisions about New York City residents unless the tools have undergone an… Read more

Recruiters are in higher demand than ever before with the Great Resignation continuously roiling today’s talent market. Along with all the job openings and talent shortages, recent research shows that… Read more

With 61 million people from Gen Z now entering the workforce, recruiting this demographic is requiring employers to reexamine the tactics they’ve been relying on for decades, including creating digital-first… Read more

The Great Resignation should be called the Great Labor Churn because this employment scramble is a serious challenge for hiring managers. However, the silver lining is that it also represents… Read more

Age should be considered during the hiring process, but it shouldn’t ever be why someone is disqualified from a job opportunity, mistreated at work or unsupported. Unfortunately, many hiring managers… Read more

No matter your talent level, repetitively using the same technologies over and over again in the Sourcing world will bite you in the ass. You’ll inevitably reach a point where… Read more

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