Ailbhe Rea is the new host of Westminster Insider, Jack Blanchard promoted to U.K. Editor

The two new roles come into effect today. 

May 16, 2022 

London, England – Today, POLITICO Europe announced that Ailbhe Rea has joined the publication to take over the role of host of its flagship U.K. podcast, Westminster Insider, which lifts the curtain on how Westminster really works. Jack Blanchard has been promoted to U.K. Editor and will continue to edit, co-host and co-produce the podcast.

The first episode of Westminster Insider’s next season, featuring Rea, will publish in the coming weeks and be available on all major podcast platforms.

An imaginative storyteller, Rea joins the publication from the New Statesman where she was a political correspondent and co-host of their award-winning New Statesman podcast. In her new role, she will work with Blanchard to research and present the podcast, taking listeners through a distinctive and carefully-crafted story each week. A Belfast native, she holds an English and French degree from Oxford University.

Blanchard joined POLITICO in 2017 as the first author of the London Playbook newsletter, whose readership he grew to over 50,000 subscribers in his three years at the helm (the newsletter now counts over 75,000 subscribers). In December 2020, he put down the keyboard and picked up a microphone and launched the podcast Westminster Insider. Even the trailer soared to #1 in the British podcast charts for news and politics, and the show has since become a must-listen in Westminster and far beyond.

Throughout its first five seasons, the podcast has tackled topics ranging from the role of political advisers in Westminster to the art of political drinking. It has delved deep into the history of pandemics and told the inside story of the British referendum, sitting down with the two men behind the crucial spin campaigns for Leave and Remain. It has exposed the human side of top guests such as Chancellor Rishi Sunak and former Prime Minister Tony Blair. And it’s also spoken to those who keep the machinery running, including House of Commons staff and the people who run the most notable haunts around Westminster. The podcast was an honoree in the 2022 Webby awards for documentary podcasts. 

Blanchard takes over the role of U.K. Editor from Kate Day, who was promoted to Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the publication in early 2022, and will drive POLITICO’s political coverage in Westminster. 

Westminster Insider is jointly produced by POLITICO Europe and Whistledown Productions, and overseen by POLITICO’s executive producer for audio, Cristina Gonzalez.