COP26 climate drama — Top US foreign policy adviser Derek Chollet


This week, we get the American perspective on European strategic autonomy and other issues facing the EU from Derek Chollet, the top adviser to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken. We also unpack the dramatic denouement of the COP26 climate conference.

Sustainable Future Summit


Taking place right after COP26 and just six months after the release of the EU Fit for 55 package, this event represents a unique opportunity to assess the contribution that each sector can bring to the table to meet the new target emissions reduction.

Free for two weeks only, it’s your chance to discover exclusive in-depth political analyses of the most important climate moment of the year. 

On the heels of the U.N. Climate Change Conference, POLITICO will convene its inaugural U.S. sustainability summit to explore what it will take to go from making pledges to taking action. Join POLITICO on November 16 as we focus on how sustainability will have to evolve from buzzword to necessity in order to create long-term change.

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About the series

Ahead of crunch climate talks in November, we take an in-depth look at how Europe is both learning to live with climate change and taking radical action to tackle it. These three chapters explore the latest scientific findings to detail the hundreds of ways climate change is impacting the continent, unconventional solutions to stem global warming and attempts to decarbonize the transport sector. 


Europe braces for climate change

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The south of the Continent will be harder hit than the north, driving a wedge into one of the European Union’s deepest fault lines.

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What scientists don’t understand, but fear, about climate change in Europe

Leading researchers share what’s keeping them up at night.


Unconventional solutions to climate change

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The problem with playing God to fix the climate: It might not work

September 1, 2021 12:42 pm

Cutting emissions alone isn’t enough to bring global warming under control, and that’s spurring interest in geoengineering.

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The perils of making rules for climate manipulation

September 1, 2021 12:42 pm

There’s worry that even discussing such ideas might open the door to using them.

The Road to COP26

The risky climate bet of using forests to remove CO2

September 2, 2021 6:00 am

Forests absorb about 10 percent of the EU’s CO2 emissions.


Decarbonizing transport

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How Europe’s e-cars risk running out of juice

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Short-haul flights under fire

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Fuel duel in the race to power green trucks

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