POLITICO Pro Workshop – Strengthening Europe’s strategic autonomy after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

The pandemic exposed the fragility of global supply chains and pushed the issue of strategic autonomy to the top of the EU agenda. The recovery was sabotaged by the global economic impact of Russia’s war on Ukraine. Even before the war, several countries were calling for the bloc to foster more European champions so the EU can be more self-sufficient for key products and rely less on imports. Now the question of how Europe weans itself off Russian fossil fuels is a top priority. This exclusive Pro workshop will explore where the “open strategic autonomy” approach is heading with data and expert analysis. It will also allow you to hear from peers about how it is impacting a variety of industries and sectors. 

ABOUT THE PRO WORKSHOPS: In an interactive and intimate setting, Pro Workshops offer a crash course for professionals who need actionable intelligence, reliable insight, and a deep understanding of upcoming EU political and policy transformations. These events observe the Chatham House Rule.

Discover all the upcoming POLITICO Pro Workshops.

PARTICIPANTS: Policy Officers, Government, Regulatory Affairs Managers, Policy affairs Associates, consultants.

HOW TO ATTEND: Email [email protected] to discover POLITICO Pro and the Pro Workshops.




  • Virtual morning coffee and networking


WORKSHOP PART ONE: Data deep-dive into the economic recovery and state aid.

  • The data behind the buzzwords like European Champions and open strategic autonomy.  


WORSKHOP PART TWO: Interactive breakout session.

  • Discuss what the ongoing debate about reshoring and procurement rules means for you and your organization 


Q&A SESSION: POLITICO reporters Pietro Lombardi and Sarah Anne Aarup