The World in 2050
Pete Ryan for POLITICO

Europe’s climate goal: Revolution

To eliminate emissions by 2050, the EU will have to ‘remake civilization.’

Can democracies beat climate change?

Our governments are subservient to the voice of the people, not experts.

Europe’s stranded assets: Mapped

To reach carbon neutrality, the world will need to scrap trillions of euros of fossil fuel infrastructure.

What’s next for European travel? Future tech — or back to the past

Slow, clean and rare or fast and cheap — the clashing visions for how we’ll travel in 2050.

Beef farmers are the new coal miners

Red meat could be a casualty of EU’s climate goals.

Europe struggles to seed the forest for the trees

With warm weather stressing native species, new types of trees may be needed to absorb carbon dioxide.

Why carbon-free Europe will still need North African energy

The EU plans to source hydrogen from across the Mediterranean.

The city of 2050: Less smog, more bikes and hyper-local living

Coronavirus lockdowns offer a glimpse at life in a low-carbon future.