
This article is part of Telescope: The New AIDS Epidemic, a deep-dive investigation into the modern face of a disease that transformed the world.

Almost 40 years after the first cases of AIDS were reported in New York, the state’s governor has announced that the end of the epidemic is near — in New York. Worldwide, there are many signs for optimism, but the fight is far from over.

While new infections and AIDS-related deaths are decreasing, two in five people living with HIV still don’t have access to antiretroviral therapy.

PrEP, an HIV prevention method, has proved a game-changer to decrease the number of infections, especially among men who have sex with men. As investment in AIDS cure research has skyrocketed in recent years, the focus remains on Africa, where new infections in the sub-Saharan region still account for two-thirds of new cases worldwide.

Here is a look at the current state of the epidemic.

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