What is the VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance

VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance is an automated service assurance solution with fault management, performance management, service management, root cause analysis, and service impact analysis all-in-one platform.

It provides CSPs and large enterprises the operational intelligence they need to holistically manage their complex multi-vendor virtual and physical environments, from the core to the edge or RAN, in a single pane of glass.

Benefits of Telco Cloud Service Assurance

Single Pane of Glass Across Domains for NOC & SOC

Simplify operations. Rapid insights across domains with integrated Fault and Performance Management, Service Management, Root Cause and Impact Analysis.

Multi-Vendor and Multi-cloud

Reduce complexity for CSPs to monitor, analyze and proactively manage multi-vendor physical and virtual environments in a single platform.

Multi-layer Assurance from Infrastructure to Services

Reduce costs with automation and optimization across physical, virtual infrastructure, orchestration, and service layers.

Closed-loop Automation and Remediation

Reduce OPEX with automation and faster remediation. Optimize resources and workloads to meet surge from edge and service requirements.

Intelligent Analytics & Automated Alarm Reduction

Increase operational efficiency with faster problem isolation and automatic suppress extraneous alarms, and no costly static rule-upkeep.

Modernized Platform

Modern cloud native architecture. Increase agility and flexibility to deploy on prem, public clouds, hybrid multi-cloud environments.

Cross-Domain Multi-Layer Service Assurance

Telco Cloud Service Assurance provides communications service providers (CSPs) and large enterprises the operational intelligence they need to manage their multi-vendor physical and virtual networks as one, to rapidly resolve network performance issues and ensure consistent delivery of services to subscribers.

End-to-End Assurance

See how VMware provides operations teams with the end-to-end visibility and assurance they need to holistically manage complex, multi-vendor virtual and physical networks.

5G Mobile Service Assurance Overview

VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance can simplify your operations for the Core to RAN.

Automated Operations & Remediation

VMware Telco Cloud optimizes resources, enables zero-touch automation and closed-looped operations and remediation.

Multi-Tenancy Reporting

Provide secure segregated access for each tenant. Auto-discovery of multiple tenants and services. Issue isolation and impact assessment across the network.

Features of Telco Cloud Service Assurance

Fault Monitoring

  • Multi-layer visibility and monitoring
  • Closed-loop automation, Root Cause Analysis
  • Prioritized service impact. Suppress extraneous alarms

5G Mobile Service Assurance

  • End-to-end network and service assurance from Core to RAN
  • Transport and xHaul Monitoring
  • Multi-layer assurance from infrastructure to services

Automated Root Cause & Service Impact

  • Correlate services impact and isolate the underlying infrastructure problem 
  • Closed-looped fast remediation
  • Automatically suppress extraneous alarms

Performance Management

  • Real-time performance metrics and machine-learning baselining
  • Anomaly and performance degradation detection
  • Optimize resources and workloads

XNF Assurance for Multi-cloud

  • Kubernates / NFVI cluster discovery, usage and health
  • Core VNF, RAN CNFs connectivity
  • Integrated VMware Telco Cloud in multi-cloud environments

AI/ML Analytics

  • Automatically determine baselines and detect anomalies
  • ML-based analytics for deep actionable insights
  • Performance analytics and device statistics

Service Management

  • Correlate cross-domain services with underlying infrastructure
  • Proactive service health and impact analysis
  • Automatic dashboard and reporting

Configuration Management

  • Automatic discover and backup device configurations
  • Maintain configuration alignment between physical, virtual and CaaS
  • Compliance and policy management

Multi-Tenancy and Network Slicing

  • Managed Services with multi-tenancy reporting
  • Integrated with Telco Cloud Automation for network slicing and network programmability


VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance, previously also known as VMware Telco Cloud Operations, is a cross-domain, multi-layer automated assurance solution that enables CSPs to holistically monitor and manage their complex infrastructure and services, from the core to transport to the RAN.

It reduces complexity for Network Operations Centers and Service Operations Centers by providing a single pane of glass for Fault Management, Performance Management, Service Management, Root Cause Analysis and Service Impact Analysis in a multi-vendor, multi-cloud environment.

VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance increases multi-layer visibility, automation and remediation capabilities across physical and virtual infrastructure, network functions (VNFs and CNFs) and service layers. It improves operational efficiencies and suppresses extraneous alarms with automated root cause detection across domains. Operations teams can immediately prioritize resolution based on business and service impacts, thereby ensuring a high availability network that meets SLA requirements.

VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance provides a rich set of performance analytics, baselining, dynamic thresholding, anomaly detection and alerting based on machine learning. A few sample use cases of performance management analytics include: 

  • Packet loss and jitter impacting 5G services
  • Increase in vCPU contention and increase in memory usage
  • Decline in bandwidth consumption on physical router interface
  • Increase in interface utilization and discard rate of specific interfaces
  • Spikes in traffic causing an increase in high packet rate causing high utilization in the interface
  • NetFlow information such as jitter, latency and packet loss, from any device that supports NetFlow

Yes, incidents can be prioritized by the operator based on business impact and customer type. VIP customers, organizations and certain locations can be prioritized depending on business requirements.

Automatic root cause analysis is a key component of the move to intelligent operations as CSPs continue their journey from physical to cloud infrastructures. Network operators need to rapidly identify the true cause of problems across physical, virtual and service layers and cannot afford to spend hours doing so. VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance helps operators with the ability to identify real problems rather than symptoms within seconds and allows for immediate remediation. Rather than presenting thousands of separate alarms and alerts from a plethora of tools to the user, VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance collects all of the events in the background, correlates them all against the discovered topology of the network, and identifies the root cause of the problem. It then correlates the root cause to both the services impacted and the tenant/customers affected, notifying the operator and triggering actions as desired. This allows the operator to prioritize their responses according to the business impact. For example, customers who have contracted higher-value services and SLAs would take priority. All of this is done in real-time to maximize uptime and the customer’s QoS.

Yes, VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance integrates performance analytics and vivid reporting dashboards for proactive assurance. Using machine learning, VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance automatically establishes dynamic performance baselines, identifies anomalies and alerts operators when anomalous behavior is detected. Because VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance has contextual view of both the underlay and overlay network, operators can accurately triage situations and take proactive actions to prevent serious impacts to application performance.

Yes, VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance is built on readily available VMware technologies. The system is deployed as a virtual appliance, in a private or public cloud environment, with a set of microservices running, using industry standard container build and management capabilities internally.

VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance features provide direct benefits for communications service providers’ (CSPs) network operations teams. First, VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance provides a holistic view of the network, with the ability to trace services across multiple delivery domains, monitoring and managing the network at the transport, physical, virtual and services layer. It maps the network infrastructure to the corresponding services and maintains an accurate topology and relationship mapping.

As a result of the increased network visibility and service to infrastructure relationship understanding, network operators can increase network uptime and reduce mean time to identify and remediate network issues. VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance provides a prescriptive diagnosis of true network problems through its automated root cause analysis capabilities, rather than presenting all the symptoms for the operator to sift through. It also integrates with orchestration tools, NFV orchestrators, VNF-M and OSS systems to provide correlated visibility of incidents and automate remediation steps.

As communications service providers (CSPs) are in the midst of their transformation to 5G digital service providers (DSPs), the demands for agility, rapid response to an ever-changing landscape and optimization of costs are business imperatives. To meet these demands, CSPs are deploying more agile software defined networks, container-based applications and launching new services. In addition, they must support new 5G and Edge applications that require high-performance, low-latency networks, while maintaining core networks built on traditional devices and services. The complexity and cost of operationalizing, monitoring and managing all these heterogeneous networks has increased exponentially. It is no longer scalable to rely on monolithic management tools with manual processes and scripts. An intelligent, integrated and automated approach to service assurance is required. VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance meets this exact need.

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