Driving Innovation with Industry Ecosystems IT Inflation:  Where it is Headed, and What To Do About It Digital Transformation and Cloud Technology: Where Application Development Falls Short The Next Requirement Around Interoperability “Distributed by Design” Architectures Needed for Data-Driven Digital Infrastructure Strategies What Will a Digital-First World Look Like in the Future? Future CIO: Digital-First Strategies for Volatile Times Executive Brief: 3 Agile Pitfalls and How to Overcome Them (As Seen On The Enterprisers Project) Russia-Ukraine war:  The Conflict will Generate a $5.5 Billion Loss for the ICT Market in 2022

Achieving an open, shared approach with partners is not easy: data, applications, operations, and capital (human, assets, and financial) for every organization are disparate of course; business processes are disconnected; and security protocols and systems are not unified. The future of industry ecosystems — an expansion of ecosystem partners that organizations must work with in support of any situation, whether innovation, product or service change, dynamic demand, or unexpected disruption — is rapidly progressing as the new way of working.