Gregor’s Ramblings on Gregor

My latest thoughts on integration architecture:
Serverless Loan Broker @ GCP
Serverless Loan Broker @ AWS, Part 5: Integration Patterns with CDK
Serverless Loan Broker @ AWS, Part 4: Automation
GOTO EDA Day 2022
Sept 1, 2022
PlatformCon Keynote
June 9-10, 2022
A Decade of Enterprise Integration Patterns
(IEEE Software)
20 Years of Patterns' Impact
(IEEE Software)
Conversations Between Loosely Coupled Services
(Video on InfoQ)
Developing in a Service-oriented World
(Video on InfoQ)
SOA Patterns - New Insights or Recycled Knowledge?
Let's Have a Conversation
(IEEE Internet Computing)
Programming Without a Call Stack - Event-driven Architectures
(ObjektSpektrum, 2006)
Your Coffee Shop Does Not Use Two-Phase Commit
(IEEE Software)
Developing in a Service-Oriented World
(ThoughtWorks Whitepaper)
An Asynchronous World
(Software Development)
Nearfield Communication (NFC) in Japan
(OOP 2012)
Embedded OSS
(OOP 2012)
Distributed Programming the Google Way
(Devoxx 2009)
Developing in a Service-Oriented World
(SOACon 2007)
Programming without a Call Stack: Event-driven Architectures
(SOACon 2007)
Software Visualization and Model Extraction
Where did all my beatiful code go?
(SpringOne, 2006)
Conversations Between Loosely Coupled Systems
(SD West, 2006)
Enterprise Integration Patterns
(JAOO, 2003)
Microsoft MVP
IEEE Software Board Member
Gregor HohpeHi, I am Gregor Hohpe, co-author of the book Enterprise Integration Patterns. I like to work on and write about asynchronous messaging systems, service-oriented architectures, and all sorts of enterprise computing and architecture topics. I am also an Enterprise Strategist at AWS.

I call my collection of blog entries "ramblings" because they are based on my personal opinions and observations as opposed to official "articles". The topics cover a variety of topics, ranging from integration, messaging, and conversation patterns to enterprise architects and architecture, events I spoke at as well as patterns and writing.

My blog posts related to IT strategy, enterprise architecture, digital transformation, and cloud have moved to a new home:

These are my Ramblings on Gregor. See all Ramblings.    Subscribe  Subscribe to my ramblings via RSS.

Reflecting on Enterprise Integration Patterns   January 1, 2008

The end of the year is always the time to reflect on the past happenings. My friends in Japan often send a New Year's card with 12 pictures, each showing the significant event during the month. I am not sure something significant related to Enterprise Integration Patterns happened each month, but I think it's still nice to reflect a little bit on the history and current state of the patterns. After all, the patterns have matured from a draft paper to being adopted as the lingua franca for a number of open source messaging projects.  Read more »

I May Be a Flake, But At Least I Am Published!   May 2, 2007

I have been pretty quiet recently, but I finally have some results to show. The current issue of IEEE Internet Computing (May/June 2007) contains my guest column for "Toward Integration". Also, I authored one chapter in the upcoming book "SOA Expertenwissen" (in German).  Read more »

Ramblings Now In Audio   October 12, 2005

Two years ago you were not cool if you did not have a blog. Today you are not cool if you have not done a podcast. Of course I cannot allow myself to fall behind, so here is my podcast on layered applications:  Read more »

New Packaging, Same Good Content   August 1, 2005

As many people have already heard, I changed employers. Before the rumor mill completes its work entirely, here a few comments from my end. Read more »