Gregor’s Ramblings on Events

My latest thoughts on integration architecture:
Serverless Loan Broker @ GCP
Serverless Loan Broker @ AWS, Part 5: Integration Patterns with CDK
Serverless Loan Broker @ AWS, Part 4: Automation
GOTO EDA Day 2022
Sept 1, 2022
PlatformCon Keynote
June 9-10, 2022
A Decade of Enterprise Integration Patterns
(IEEE Software)
20 Years of Patterns' Impact
(IEEE Software)
Conversations Between Loosely Coupled Services
(Video on InfoQ)
Developing in a Service-oriented World
(Video on InfoQ)
SOA Patterns - New Insights or Recycled Knowledge?
Let's Have a Conversation
(IEEE Internet Computing)
Programming Without a Call Stack - Event-driven Architectures
(ObjektSpektrum, 2006)
Your Coffee Shop Does Not Use Two-Phase Commit
(IEEE Software)
Developing in a Service-Oriented World
(ThoughtWorks Whitepaper)
An Asynchronous World
(Software Development)
Nearfield Communication (NFC) in Japan
(OOP 2012)
Embedded OSS
(OOP 2012)
Distributed Programming the Google Way
(Devoxx 2009)
Developing in a Service-Oriented World
(SOACon 2007)
Programming without a Call Stack: Event-driven Architectures
(SOACon 2007)
Software Visualization and Model Extraction
Where did all my beatiful code go?
(SpringOne, 2006)
Conversations Between Loosely Coupled Systems
(SD West, 2006)
Enterprise Integration Patterns
(JAOO, 2003)
Microsoft MVP
IEEE Software Board Member
Gregor HohpeHi, I am Gregor Hohpe, co-author of the book Enterprise Integration Patterns. I like to work on and write about asynchronous messaging systems, service-oriented architectures, and all sorts of enterprise computing and architecture topics. I am also an Enterprise Strategist at AWS.

I call my collection of blog entries "ramblings" because they are based on my personal opinions and observations as opposed to official "articles". The topics cover a variety of topics, ranging from integration, messaging, and conversation patterns to enterprise architects and architecture, events I spoke at as well as patterns and writing.

My blog posts related to IT strategy, enterprise architecture, digital transformation, and cloud have moved to a new home:

These are my Ramblings on Events. See all Ramblings.    Subscribe  Subscribe to my ramblings via RSS.

25 Years of OOP   February 5, 2016

OOP is one of the conferences that originated in the "OO" era of the early to mid-nineties. While most of these events have shed the double "O" -- OOPSLA has become SPLASH and JAOO has become GOTO, OOP stayed true to its name and remains one of the premier German developer conferences. This year OOP celebrated its 25th anniversary. Here are my impressions. Read more »

SATURN Conference 2015   May 1, 2015

I have not blogged about events in a while, but SATURN 2015 has been an amazing event that's well worth rambling about. Read more »

Clouds and Integration Patterns at JavaOne   OCT 1, 2009

I joined JavaOne this year as a panelist on Cloud Computing. Here my belated impressions on this year's JavaOne. Read more »

Google I/O   June 5, 2009

I guess I am the last person to blog about Google I/O. By now, everyone should have read about Wave and the free Android phone (with 30 day SIM!). I am just now getting to write this up on my flight back to Japan, so I’ll give you my personal impressions and viewpoints, if you are still interested. Read more »

Google Gears Live From Japan   December 26, 2007

Since Google's Developer Day, I have been promising to speak more regularly about Google products. This is a bit of a balancing act for me, as I want to avoid the slippery slope of becoming a corporate sock puppet. I also don't want to neglect my interest in connected systems, SOA, and asynchronous messaging. With the Internet turning into the largest connected system, the gap between Web-based technologies and connected systems design has become significantly smaller, allowing me to combine interests and Google developer products more naturally. Of course, the fact that Google is rolling out new developer products and APIs around the clock, does not hurt either. Read more »

Double-Dipping: OOPSLA and Colorado Software Summit   October 27, 2007

I am just returning from a trip to Montreal and Keystone, CO for the OOPSLA and Colorado Software Summit conferences. I spoke on SOA Patterns, workshopped my conversation pattern paper, and gave six talks on event-driven architectures and building mashups using Yahoo! Pipes and Google Mashup Editor. Phew! Read more »

Bubble 2.0   October 15, 2007

What’s wrong with this picture? I crash a stylish party at a pricey venue (SF Moma). I have no business being there, nor do I have the required invitation. I nonchalantly talk my way in, and hit the crowd with two fellow geeks. Within a few seconds an attractive blonde with a low cut dress approaches us and engages us in a conversation. We grab a few free drinks, indulge on the tirelessly circulating horse d’oeuvres, and talk to the blonde. Read more »

Enterprise Mashup Summit   October 1, 2007

I attended the Enterprise Mashup Summit last Friday. It was a small-ish event, with about 50 people attending. We saw about 10 presentations, mostly by vendors plus an open forum. None of the presentations were too sales-ey, which gave the event a nice workshop feel. Given the limited size, it would have been nice to have more time for interaction. Here is a quick rundown of my impressions. Read more »

Facebook Developer Garage   September 25, 2007

The Internet is cruel. So you finally made the leap from EAI stone age to become a hip mashup developer. Now it turns out you are once again behind the curve, Unless you've written your won Facebook app and scored a million or so installs you are just a worm in the dust of the global data superhighway. Join the club. Read more »

Mashup Camp   July 18, 2007

I attended the first day of Mashup Camp today. The event took place at the Computer History Museum, which is actually walking distance from my office. Ironically, the only day in the year when something actually happens within walking distance in Silicon Valley it had to rain. Oh well. Read more »

Users Like Events   July 12, 2007

Two weeks ago I presented a keynote at the DEBS (Distributed Event-based Systems) conference. The emphasis of the conference was on academic work in the field but event-based systems are rapidly gaining traction in commercial applications as CEP (Complex Event Processing) is becoming a household name like SOA (equally difficult to pin down). All this talk about events reminded me that applications on the Web are becoming increasingly event driven. Read more »

Google Developer Day   May 31, 2007

Last week Google held a developer day in 10 cities around the world. Here are my take-aways. Read more »

JavaOne 2007   May 11, 2007

JavaOne is one of the few geek conferences that take place in San Francisco. The content can be hit or miss but the proximity and the good parties always make it worth stopping by. I also had to fulfil my duty to recruit the last smart software engineer in the Bay Area to Google. Read more »

Microsoft MVP Summit   March 25, 2007

Even though I have been working for the (self-declared) non-evil empire for a while now, I still have a lot of ties to the Microsoft community, even beyond drinking Weissbier with Christian Weyer. I am particularly proud that I have been able to maintain my MVP status, Microsoft's Most Valuable Professional award. Here my (brief) report from the MVP Summit in Seattle & Redmond.  Read more »

JAOO 2006   Oct 6, 2006

I am just riding the train back from Aarhus (the second largest city in Denmark in case your geography skills are as weak as mine were before my first trip here) to Copenhagen. Many speakers consistently rave about JAOO. The speaker roster, the logistics, the attendees - everything just seems to be very high quality and run very smoothly. This year I was nominated to be track host for the SOA track entitled "SOA - What's Left to Say?" Read more »

fooCamp   Aug 28, 2006

This year I got to go to fooCamp! What is fooCamp? It is sort of like Burning Man for techno geeks. But just as Burning Man has gone pretty high tech fooCampers started to have more fun by burning things. It's difficult to put the experience into words... Read more »

Dagstuhl Seminar   Aug 20, 2006

I just returned from a trip to Germany to attend a workshop on The Role of Business Processes in Service Oriented Architecture. Besides a guaranteed top score in buzzword bingo the workshop provided a unique opportunity to connect thought leaders from academia and industry over the course of a week. The attendee roster sported the usual industry heavyweights, i.e., Microsoft, IBM, SAP, making me proud to add Google to the list.  Read more »

Revenge of the Nerds - OOPSLA 2005   October 23, 2005

Remember the people from high school who had strange hobbies and could never get a date? Well, they all grew up and they are running a conference now, the Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications conference, OOPSLA in short. While the conference logistics can be quirky at times the content is top notch. And it seems like most of them have managed to get a date after all. Read more »

Googlesoft   September 18 2005

(Professional) life can be a little ironic sometimes. Now that I work for Google I was able to go to Microsoft's Professional Developer Conference aka PDC for the first time. It was actually very nice to be able to stay in touch with the "other side". Read more »

What Color Are My Shoes?   September 1, 2005

Two weeks ago I attended a very small, but special conference on enterprise software development. Here is what I came away with..  Read more »

TechEd 2005 Europe: Event-Driven Architectures   July 11, 2005

I just returned from Microsoft TechEd Europe in Amsterdam. I was lucky enough to present on event-driven architectures in front of almost 600 people. Since multiple people asked me for the source files, I figured I'd post a quick summary of the talk, including the source files. Read more »

Microsoft TechEd 2005 Digest   June 7, 2005

This year I actually missed putting in a proposal for TechEd. However, that has not kept me from actually presenting :-) So I am here fighting the Orlando Summer humidity together with 11000 other geeks and am actually having a good time. Read more »

Patterns and Practices Summit   March 15, 2005

It seems like I spend all my time at conferences. I am speaking at the Patterns and Practices Summit and SD West this week. This one is setup by Keith Pleas in close collaboration with the Patterns and Practices group at Microsoft. So yes, I am still promiscuous when it comes to platforms. But it makes me feel better that Ted Neward seems to beat me in that category, though. Read more »

TSS Symposium Redux   March 14, 2005

A number of people have already about the TSSS but that can't stop me from occupying my fair share of the cyberspace with my impressions. Read more »

BTW Conference   March 6, 2005

OK, so I am officially the slowest blogger on the 'Net... last week I attended two conferences, the BTW in Karlsruhe, Germany and TheServerSide Symposium in Las Vegas. Too bad they are over 6000 miles apart :-( Read more »

ACM Middleware Conference: Pub-Sub and Related Topics   October 25, 2004

I just attended the conference in Toronto (I thought a 1/2 day tutorial in integration patterns). This conference is more of an academic events when compared to some of the purely commercial conferences like JavaOne. It was interesting to see what academia are working on these days in the areas of middleware and SOA. Read more »

JavaOne Redux   July 2, 2004

For a change I spoke at a conference without traveling halfway around the world. At over 15,000 attendees, JavaOne is one of the largest developer conferences. Unfortunately, the signal-to-noise ratio is not always all that great, but it is still a good place to meet old and new friends. This year's conference was littered with talk and demos on SOA, ESB, Web Services, orchestration etc. Here my impressions... Read more »