Libre comme l'Art

Non-profit association «LILA»

LILA is a non-profit organization, under French law 1901, declared and funded in 2005. We promote Arts and Artists, as well as access to technics and knowledge for everyone.

The association has its studio at 31, avenue Parmentier in Paris 11th, place of sharing and artistic creation.

Last news

LILA continue supporting G'MIC project (2019-2020 report)

(This is not an April Fool!)

We announced in 2019 the funding through LILA of G'MIC project in order to support its development.

Gmicky and ZeMarmot supporting together the G'MIC project (by Aryeom, CC by-sa)

Gmicky and ZeMarmot supporting together the G'MIC project! (image by Aryeom, CC by-sa 4.0 license)

This campaign is still going on to this day. Between March 2019 and December 2020, 4500€ have been donated and transfered for G'MIC development. For more details, read this first funding report which G'MIC published today.

Of course the funding page is still opened so that anyone can still help funding this wonderful image processing framework:

LILA supports the G'MIC project

G'MIC is a full-featured open-source framework for image processing, distributed under the CeCILL free software licenses (LGPL-like and/or GPL-compatible).

G'MIC, Open-Source framework for image processing

G'MIC is mostly developed by David Tschumperlé and Sébastien Fourey in the IMAGE team of the GREYC laboratory (French Research Lab, affiliated to the CNRS, the University of Caen, and the engineering school ENSICAEN). Both are enthusiastic researchers, committed to open science and free software, trying to make regular contributions to the field of image processing in addition to developing this software in their spare time. G'MIC provides a popular plug-in for GIMP, Krita and Paint.NET, as well as a command-line tool, containing hundreds of image filters and effects to help artists and scientists around the world transform or improve their images.

Unfortunately their lab does not accept direct donation. Since a Libre framework for image processing is absolutely within the boundaries of LILA's objectives, we accepted to act as an umbrella organization to collect donations for G'MIC.

The money collected will be periodically paid to the IMAGE team, to be used for the development of G'MIC.

🎉 Welcome to G'MIC at LILA's! 🎉

Opening of the exhibition "Les Traits du Japon" on thursday, July 13

The association LILA welcomes you to the exhibition "Les Traits du Japon" ("Strokes of Japan") from 14 to 31 July 2017.

Exhibition "Les Traits du Japon" in July 2017 at LILA

Exhibition "Les Traits du Japon" in July 2017 at LILA

The opening will be held on Thursday, July 13 from 18h30.

Where and When


Association LILA
31, avenue Parmentier
75011 Paris
Métro Saint Ambroise

Dates: from 14 to 31 July 2017, from 15h to 19h (every day from 15PM to 19PM except Mondays)

Opening: July 13 from 18h30


Mixing photography and calligraphy, this exhibition presents 2 artists, each with their own stories of Japan, whose path crossed in Paris:

  • Hysao Takagi: Japanese calligrapher from Fukushima. For Hysao, calligraphy is personal and the expression of her own research.
  • Nadia Boukouti: photographer, bringing her poetical vision of Japan from her travels.

You are invited to the opening this thursday, July 13, from 18h30. We will be waiting for you!