Our feedback to the EU Sustainable Products Initiative: products should explain how we can install another operating system of our choice, we should have full access to hardware, and the product passport registry should be offered as Open Data to EU citizens.


⭐ Want to start a website? ⭐ Learn what content management systems offer. CMS Garden , an association of 11 CMS communities, joins FSFE Women group meeting. Meike Jung, Petra Hasenau, and Kati Faude can answer your questions today at 19.30 CEST.

@meikejung @cmsgarden conf.fsfe.org/b/women

Translate the Open letter for the right to install any software on any device into your native language. Already available in CA, DE, EL, EN, ES, FR, IT, NL, PT. Help us share it around Europe!

New signatures @intevation @domainepublic


SFP15:In our latest Podcast episode Bonnie Mehring and Erik Albers talk about , our workshops and the connection between sustainability and software freedom. If you haven't attended one of our workshops you learn about the initiative here:


Do you have the freedom to choose which router you use? Show off your sophisticated router choice with the sticker. Get it 🎁 FOR FREE 🎁 if you live in Europe. Order now and decorate your router.


Can you deploy a router you bought yourself? Your router will turn heads with our sticker you get for FOR FREE. Choose the one you like, order, and stick it on your device. It's that simple.


Your router, your rights:

1\. you have the right to use your own router

2\. you have the right to reconfigure your router & install software of your choice

3\. you have the right to require support from providers, even if you don't use their router

Assert your rights! Get your Router Freedom stickers (free if you live in Europe).


Your connection, your choice: Using your own router to connect to the Internet is your right. Take a stand with FSFE's Router Freedom stickers. Free within the Europe.


✅ The Free Android distribution Replicant,

✅ the Italian Linux Society,

✅ the self-hosting system YunoHost

just signed the open letter for the right to install any software on any device.


Nella newsletter di giugno:
- 9 amministrazioni innovano e risparmiano denaro con
- Colazione olandese chiede equa istruzione digitale
- È fattibile un settore delle telecomunicazioni sostenibile
- Volontari organizzano tour PMPC in Italia.


Show thread

En el Boletín de junio:
-9 administraciones innovan y ahorran dinero con
-Demanda de la coalición holandesa por una educación digital justa
-Un sector TIC justo es posible
-Voluntarios en el viaje italiano "¿Dinero Público? ¡Código Público!


Show thread

In our June Newsletter:
- 9 administrations innovate and save money with
- Dutch coalition calls for fair digital education
- A sustainable telecom sector is attainable
- Volunteers organise ‘Public Money? Public code!’ tour in Italy.


Just signed: @conservancy @aprilorg @fdroidorg support users' right to install any software on any device, and so do ⭐74⭐ other organisations who signed our open letter. Still counting! Both tech & the environment benefit from advanced digital rights.


Parce qu'un système verrouillé ne peut être durable, ILOTH a signé la lettre ouverte de la @fsfe :

"Le droit universel d'installer n'importe quel logiciel sur n'importe quel appareil".

➡️ Lire et signer : fsfe.org/activities/upcyclinga

@lebib @Montpellibre Ping 😉

Liebe KölnerInnen (+ Umgebung) !
Diese Woche finden interessante Veranstaltungen der @fsfe in #Köln statt:

📲 1. für alle, die an #Android #CustomROMs und #Nachhaltigkeit interessiert sind: #UpcyclingAndroid -Workshop

Es gibt Testgeräte vor Ort und/oder ihr könnt ein eigenes mitbringen

(1/3) >>>

Gerne weitersagen:
@zucker @koeln-im-fediverse @chris @TobiasPastoors @bitsundbaeumeKoeln @Frank @malte @Europakueken @hein @kesipote @[email protected]

plays an important role towards a more sustainable digital society. We co-organise the conference to find out about it and to share our knowledge. Be quick, the Call for Participation is only running until 7 June: pretalx.com/bitsundbaeume/loca

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