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Want to get in touch? We’d love to hear from you.

General Inquir­ies
P   646.292.8310
E   bren­nan­center­

Dona­tion Inquir­ies
Naus­heen Ansari, Manager, Donor Services and Stew­ard­ship
P   646.925.8748
E   [email protected]

New York (Main Office)

120 Broad­way, Suite 1750
New York, NY 10271
P   646.292.8310
F   212.463.7308
E   bren­nan­center­

Wash­ing­ton, D.C., Office

1140 Connecti­cut Ave., NW, 11th Floor, Suite 1150
Wash­ing­ton, DC 20036
P   202.249.7190

Media Inquir­ies

Elec­tion secur­ity and admin­is­tra­tion
Rebecca Autrey, Senior Media Strategist, Wash­ing­ton Office
E   [email protected]
P   202.753.5904

Campaign finance; national secur­ity
Julian Brookes, Senior Media Strategist
E   [email protected]
P   646.292.8376

Voting rights
Kend­all Karson, Senior Media Strategist
E   kend­[email protected]
P   646.925.8746

Redis­trict­ing and census; requests for Michael Wald­man; general inquir­ies
Romario Rick­etts, Media Assist­ant
E   romario.rick­ett­[email protected]
P   646.925.8734 

Crim­inal justice, court reform
Derek Rosen­feld, Media Strategist
E   derek.rosen­[email protected]
P   646.292.8381

Bren­nan en español
Mireya Navarro, Editor-in-Chief
E  mireya.navar­[email protected]
P   646.925.8760

Bren­nan Center events
Bianca Gomez-Nachand, Director of Events and Part­ner­ships
P   646.292.8353

If you would like to request a Bren­nan Center expert to appear at one of your events, please contact: 
Maylina Graham, Exec­ut­ive Assist­ant
E   grahamm@bren­