Editors’ picks

Less talk, more action from the G7 on climate change

Leaders meeting starting Sunday in Bavaria turn to carrots rather than sticks to push global climate efforts.

G7 mulls call for ‘necessary’ public gas investments

Climate goals and energy security are in tension ahead of a meeting of leaders Sunday.

The EU races to free itself from Russia’s gas noose

Failing to secure gas supplies would have serious consequences for Europe — but also Ukraine.

Ukraine: Not just a country, an EU candidate country

Despite Putin’s denial of Ukraine’s right to exist, the EU grants Kyiv candidate status.

US Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, allowing states to ban abortion

The decision upends nearly five decades of court rulings.

The most dangerous place on earth

In a showdown between Russia and NATO, the ‘SuwaĹ‚ki Gap’ would likely be the first point of contact.

Who’s in and who’s out in Macronia — and what it means for the EU

Who’s set to make waves, and whose raft has capsized? Here are the names you need to know in the new French National Assembly.

Poll of Polls

UK general election polls

Potential Scottish indyref

What’s next


General election
September 11

Time until polls close





    • Austria:
    • September
      Presidential election

    • Latvia:
    • October 1
      General election polls

    • Slovenia:
    • October
      Presidential election

    • Estonia:
    • March 2023
      General election polls

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What's driving the day in Westminster.
Politics and policymaking in the UK capital

by Alex Wickham

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The EU is delaying an inevitable debate: Will it rewrite its biggest rules?

Leaders avoided the question this week, but the EU will ultimately have to decide whether to change how it makes key decisions.

EU Parliament’s climate champion role in doubt after key vote

MEPs’ compromise to break deadlock is out of step with the reality of climate change, critics say.

EU moves toward Russian lobbyist ban

Russian representatives will be suspended from the transparency register, as Council of EU takes action.

German politics

German parliament votes to remove ban on ‘abortion advertising’

The ban dated back to Nazi-era abortion laws and has long been lamented by women and doctors alike.

Scholz adviser turns heads with appeal to consider future Russian relationship

German chancellor’s foreign policy adviser urges Europe not to forget about its long-term relations with Moscow and to tread carefully toward China.

Russia declares gas war on EU

The Kremlin’s gas games threaten the bloc’s climate policies, economies and political stability.

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