International Data Corporation (IDC) Australia/New Zealand

Is the premier global provider of market intelligence, advisory services, and events for the information technology, telecommunications, and consumer technology markets. With more than 1,300 analysts worldwide, IDC offers global, regional, and local expertise on technology and industry opportunities and trends in over 110 countries. IDC's analysis and insight helps IT professionals, business executives, and the investment community to make fact-based technology decisions and to achieve their key business objectives. Founded in 1964, IDC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of International Data Group (IDG), the world's leading media, data and marketing services company that activates and engages the most influential technology buyers.

IDC Australia/New Zealand (ANZ) With offices in Sydney and Auckland, IDC ANZ has a strong team of local technology and industry analysts, as well as consulting talent. We complement IDC's Asia Pacific and international research expertise. We underpin our unrivaled global coverage with knowledge, expertise and support, delivering insightful analysis and credible forecasts to help you deliver sound business strategies. Our multinational, multilingual and multicultural teams brings a deep understanding of industry and issues that affect the IT markets.

About IDG: IDG connects the world of tech buyers with insights, intent and engagement. IDG is the world’s largest media, data and marketing services company that activates and engages the most influential technology buyers. Our premium brands, including CIO®, Computerworld®, PCWorld® and Macworld®, engage the most powerful audience of technology buyers providing essential guidance on the evolving technology landscape. Our global data intelligence platform activates purchasing intent, powering our clients’ success. IDG Marketing Services creates custom content with marketing impact across video, mobile, social and digital. We execute complex campaigns that fulfill marketers’ global ambitions seamlessly with consistency that delivers results and wins awards. IDG is the #1 tech media company in the world, per comScore.*
*Source: comScore Media Metrix, Desktop Unique Visitors, Worldwide, January 2017

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Andrew Cammell

Chief Information Officer, Chapmann Tripp

For around the same cost as a couple of two-day conferences you get 12 months of expert advice and support. The mix of international research combined with local “from the coal face” experience is exceptionally useful when setting long term strategy or just your next action.

Stuart Southworth

National Australia Bank Asia Pacific

We had a very positive and wide ranging discussion. The topics we covered challenged my way of thinking and the metrics I'm proposing. The conversation has provided me with information that I will be able to use in shaping the metrics we report to our Board.

Andrew Matthews

Secureworks ANZ Marketing

I have been working with James on some bespoke marketing campaigns designed to provide valuable information to people focused on improving their cyber security posture. James has done a fantastic job of helping me to develop, manage, and get great value from these campaigns. James has communicated very well every step of the way and worked hard to ensure it is a mutually beneficial experience. If you’re looking for something different in your marketing strategy, reach out to James.


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IDC LIVE Summit 2021 - The Resiliency Spectrum: Leading In A New Era

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