This term was once used to describe a clever programmer. In recent years, this term has been applied to those who exploit security vulnerabilities to try and break into a computer system. Originally, those who break into computer systems (for… Read Full Article

Hacktivism (or hactivism) is the act of hacking to promote a social, political, or other agenda. Read Full Article

A protocol for establishing a secure connection between client and server. It is intended to verify the authenticity and security of the channel being set up, and includes a series of control procedures to keep intruders out. During the handshake… Read Full Article

A file structure element with information about the directory in which the file is contained. A hard link establishes a connection between segmented data blocks on the drive and the file location in terms of the file system. A file… Read Full Article

A mathematic algorithm that converts a random set of data into a fixed-length line of letters and numbers. The conversion function is called cryptographic hash function, and the result of the conversion is named hash. The algorithm is used for… Read Full Article

A cyberattack in which changes are made to data temporarily stored in dynamic memory. The pointers of adjacent memory locations are overwritten, allowing potential attackers to gain access to information that is otherwise off limits to them, or to execute… Read Full Article

A technique used in exploits that involves writing a certain sequence of bytes at various places of a heap – a memory that is allocated for use by programs. The technique resembles spray painting a wall to make it all… Read Full Article

A method for running 64-bit code in a 32-bit process. It is leveraged by cybercriminals to disguise malware and bypass security scanners to deliver a payload. The technique exploits a 64-bit handler embedded in a 32-bit Windows process for compatibility… Read Full Article

The word heuristic is derived from the Greek ‘to discover’ and refers to a learning method based on speculation or guess-work, rather than a fixed algorithm. In the anti-malware world, heuristic analysis involves using non-specific detection methods to find new,… Read Full Article

A hoax is a fake warning about a virus or other piece of malicious code. Typically a hoax takes the form of an e-mail or other message warning the reader of a dangerous new virus and suggesting that the reader… Read Full Article

Honeypots are decoy computers used to attract the attention of cyber-attackers. To an attacker, the honeypot seems like a normal part of the computer system, but it’s really segregated from the main system. Honeypots provide a way to deflect attackers… Read Full Article

Techniques used to alter or augment the behavior of an operating system, applications or of other software components by intercepting function calls or messages or events passed between software components. Code that handles such intercepted function calls, events or messages… Read Full Article

The hosts file is a sort of ‘mini DNS server’ on every Microsoft Windows system. When someone types a URL into the web browser, the browser checks the local hosts file to see if the requested domain name is listed… Read Full Article

A hot spot provides access to a wireless network. Hot spots are now common in businesses, homes, hotels, airports, cafes, fast food outlets, etc.

One of the protocols used to transmit data on the Internet. Originally developed as a standard for sending HTML documents, it is currently used to transfer various types of data. Each HTTP packet consists of a starting line, header, and… Read Full Article

An HTTP protocol add-on for encrypting transmitted data. HTTPS encodes data packets using SSL and TSL, making it pointless to intercept traffic between hosts. HTTPS provides a secure connection for online processing of personal information, financial transactions, and other critical… Read Full Article

A software product or hardware solution for managing virtual machines running within one system. The hypervisor arranges for the operating systems in each of the isolated environments to interact as if they were installed on separate computers. There are two… Read Full Article