Hummingbird – Optimize Speed, Enable Cache, Minify CSS & Defer Critical JS


Hummingbird makes your website faster and optimizes site performance by adding new ways to boost Google PageSpeed Insights with fine-tuned controls over file compression, deferring CSS and JavaScript styles and scripts, minify for CSS and JS, Lazy Load integration, and world-class caching.

Hummingbird is brought to you by the WordPress speed specialists that created Smush image optimization, now active on more than +1 million websites. Get the complete speed boost with Hummingbird and Smush.

If PageSpeed Insights is making these speed recommendations Hummingbird can help:

  • Enable text compression – Use gzip to make your site fly.
  • Preconnect to required origins – Use Hummingbird to establish earlier connections.
  • Preload key requests – Prioritize resources based on order.
  • Avoid enormous network payloads – Consider Lazy Load for comments or breaking up smaller posts.
  • Use efficient cache – The Hummingbird Cache suite offers effective browser cache for caching any site.
  • Fix your JavaScript execution time – Deliver smaller JS payloads, preload JS, and defer JS.
  • Minify CSS – Strip unused code from your CSS.
  • Minify JavaScript – Speed up the time it takes to parse your JS files.
  • Eliminate render-blocking resources – Move critical CSS and JS inline and defer all non-critical JS/CSS.
  • Defer unused CSS – Defer the loading of CSS not used for above-the-fold content.
  • Lazy Load offscreen images (Smush free integration).

Hummingbird scans your site and provides one-click fixes to speed up WordPress in a flash.

You’ll get faster loading pages, higher search rankings (SERP) and PageSpeed scores, and happier visitors with Hummingbird’s WordPress speed optimization. Optimizing the speed of your site has never been easier!

Features Available in Hummingbird Include:

  • Scan and Fix – Get a scan of your site, find out what’s slowing it down, and use one-click performance improvements to make critical speed improvements.
  • World-class caching – A full caching suite to load pages faster with full-page, Gravatar, and browser cache tool.
  • Performance Reports – Pro tips for running your site at super speed.
  • Asset Optimization – Position, minify and combine Javascript, CSS, and Google Font files for top performance.
  • Better Rankings – Improve scores on Google PageSpeed Insights (SEO ranking factor), YSlow, Pingdom, and GTmetrix.
  • Increase Your Conversion Rate – Don’t keep visitors waiting: faster sites convert better.
  • GZIP Compression – Blazing-fast HTML, JavaScript, and stylesheet (CSS) transfer.
  • Configs – Set your preferred performance settings, save them as config, and instantly upload to any other site.

Learn The Ropes With These Hands-On Hummingbird Tutorials

Hummingbird Features to Speed Up WordPress

Scan and One-Click Fix

Hummingbird is a WordPress speed optimization plugin. It will scan your site, find files that are slowing it down, and provide tips and fixes for making your site run at top speed.

Hummingbird even has one-click improvements like a full cache suite, one-click minify for styles and scripts, and deferring CSS and JS for quickly optimizing performance. What could be easier!

World-Class Caching

You’ll get a world-class caching suite, including full-page, browser, and Gravatar cache.

Make your site load even faster with Hummingbird’s complete set of cache tools that give your visitors a faster browsing experience. Including full-page, browser and Gravatar caching.

Asset Optimization

Did you know that the more files you add to your site’s header, the slower it will load? With Hummingbird, you can easily customize the load position of your CSS, JavaScript (defer CSS and Javascript), Google Fonts, and other files to increase your page speed.

Quickly reorder, compress, and reposition files with Hummingbird’s minification feature. But play carefully – minification is a powerful tool (though if you need it, you can reset any changes you make in one click).

Transfer Data at Top Speed With GZIP

Hummingbird has GZIP powers to make sharing your site more efficient.

Sending zipped files is faster and can save you money on hosting. And don’t worry about setup, send Hummingbird instructions with the click of a button and she’ll handle the rest.

Built-in Cloudflare Integration

Hummingbird can be used to control your Cloudflare browser cache and Automatic Platform Optimizations (APO) settings as well! Simply add your Cloudflare API key and configure away.

Fully Compatible With Smush Image Optimization

You can complement Hummingbird’s WordPress speed optimization features with our award-winning sister-plugin Smush image optimization. Smush compresses your images, giving your site less to load – and thus a faster load time. Hummingbird + Smush integrate perfectly together, and are the perfect match to speed up WordPress.

Compress, optimize (optimise), and fix PageSpeed performance with properly sized images, lazy load, next-gen WebP convert, image formatting, and more.

Save time with Hummingbird Configs

Configs allow you to save your prefered Hummingbird configuration settings and apply them to your other sites in a few clicks. You can create unlimited configs.

Faster Websites Rank Higher, Convert Better

Every millisecond counts: your visitors expect an ever-faster website, with a page load time of under two seconds expected – and the norm. If visitors don’t get that on your site, they will leave.

If you’re running a business website or eCommerce store, that means if your website does not load quickly, you will lose sales.

Hummingbird is here to help you; it’s a one of a kind WordPress performance optimization plugin that can make your site run at superspeed, for free!

You get our WordPress performance optimization suite, which includes minification and GZIP for small page sizes, full caching for faster loading, and integration with Cloudflare’s APO / browser cache, and our sister-plugin Smush image optimization.

Hummingbird is built with ease-of-use in mind; it makes your WordPress site faster, but it’s also fast to set up. You can scan your site and implement recommended changes in one-click, getting a fast site in mere minutes.

All the above is free and will speed up WordPress for you. If you need the very fastest WordPress site, you should get a WPMU DEV Membership.

Our Membership gives you access to Hummingbird Pro – which features automated scanning, uptime monitoring, enhanced minify compression (with 2x the regular optimization), CDN hosted minification – alongside Smush Pro image optimization, all our premium WordPress plugins, and 24/7 WordPress support.

It’s an incredible deal, and you can find out more here.

What do People say About Hummingbird?


Hummingbird is so easy to use. I thought it wouldn’t change my speed much because I already made improvements. I ran the scan, it gave me recommendations, I pushed a button to apply them and it made my site even faster!” – Camilo


“Hummingbird is getting smarter with each update. Today it’s become so good that it forced me to remove giant cache and optimization plugins like WP Super Cache and WP Sweep because now Hummingbird includes all those features – but in a more impressive way.” – swagatam1975


Hummingbird took me from 32 to 84 on Google page speed plus made my site 50% faster on GTmetrix!” – Nicolas


“I just built a real bloated sack of crap of a WP site, and after configuring Hummingbird and letting it do its thing, the site is actually fast — much faster than it has any right to be…I’m impressed.” – Cacarr

A Note From Hummingbird

Hey! This is Hummingbird, your trusted solution to speed up WordPress. I’m part of the WPMU DEV team, a superhero-suite of WordPress plugins, services, and support. Here are some of our other free plugins:

  • Smush – Image Compression and Optimization
  • Forminator – Form, Quiz, Poll and Survey Builder
  • Hustle – Pop-ups, Slide-ins and Email Opt-ins

And if you need ALL our Pro plugins AND 24/7 WordPress support, get WPMU DEV membership! You can try it for free:

My superhero friends run the WPMU DEV Blog, your source for the very best WordPress tutorials. If you need to be in the know about WordPress, check it out.

Thanks for looking at Hummingbird, and I look forward to flying through your site to make it faster than ever.

Enjoy, The Hummingbird

About Us

WPMU DEV is a premium supplier of quality WordPress plugins, services and support. Join us here:

Don’t forget to stay up to date on everything WordPress from the Internet’s number one resource:

Hey, one more thing… we hope you enjoy our free offerings as much as we’ve loved making them for you!


  • Scan your site for optimization tips and tricks.
  • Use the complete suite of cache tools to speed up load times.
  • Asset Optimization lets you combine and reposition CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files.
  • Use suggestions to make improvements and speed up your site.


Do I need Hummingbird if I already have caching like WP Rocket or W3 Total Cache?

Yes! Of course, our cache suite is more than enough, but if you already use WP Rocket or W3 Total Cache, the special monitoring tools Hummingbird offers still make it worth it. To ensure compatibility, only activate overlapping features in one of the plugins.

Does Hummingbird work with Cloudflare?

Yes! Hummingbird is built to take full advantage of Cloudflare features. Just plug in your API to get started.

Does Hummingbird work with WooCommerce?

Yes! Hummingbird works great with ecommerce plugins like WooCommerce and MarketPress. For best results, when configuring full-page cache, follow the WooCommerce recommended cache settings. Hummingbird will exclude the cart, my account and checkout pages to keep content dynamic.

Why is my WordPress slow?

There are plenty of factors involved in why you’d have WordPress slow. Hummingbird’s scanning and one-click fixes can work out why your site is slow, and with one click, speed up WordPress for you. Easy peasy!

What’s the difference between Hummingbird and Hummingbird Pro?

The free Hummingbird plugin is a powerful suite of WordPress speed optimization features! You can deliver big improvements in your page speed in mere minutes using our one-click implementation of recommended fixes. Some of the reviews above show you the results you can get.

Hummingbird Pro is available as part of the WPMU DEV Membership, and adds automated scanning, uptime monitoring, enhanced minify compression (with 2x the regular optimization), and CDN hosted minification. This will make your site even faster.

Membership also gets you all our premium WordPress plugins, including Smush Pro, for the very best image optimization with image resizing, lazy load, and next-gen WebP convert, and 24/7 WordPress support. Hummingbird is a great free plugin, and Hummingbird Pro is even better. You can find out more here.

Somebody help! I turned on Asset Optimization and it broke my site!?

Asset Optimization is a great way to speed up your site but moving, combining, using minify, and rearranging CSS and JavaScript (.JS) files can also mess with styling and break functionality. We recommend making incremental changes and testing your site as you go so you can undo the changes if something breaks. And remember, don’t panic. If something goes wrong you can start over with the click of a button 🙂


June 23, 2022
I wanted my website to speed up. Tried a lot of plugins however did not get the speed boost I wanted to see. With Humming bird, the installation, scanning and all the steps were very easy. The results were amazing and were duely tested in speed test websites like gtmetrix and pingdom. Congrats to the developers!
Read all 1,324 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Hummingbird – Optimize Speed, Enable Cache, Minify CSS & Defer Critical JS” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Hummingbird – Optimize Speed, Enable Cache, Minify CSS & Defer Critical JS” has been translated into 17 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Hummingbird – Optimize Speed, Enable Cache, Minify CSS & Defer Critical JS” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


3.3.3 ( 2022-05-12 )

  • New: Set the number of comments to preload in lazy loading module
  • Enhance: Clean up after uninstalling on multisite
  • Enhance: Remove duplicate ‘wphb_page_cache_cleared’ action in favour of ‘wphb_clear_cache_url’
  • Enhance: Sanitize input fields in Configs module
  • Enhance: Compatibility with Weglot plugin
  • Fix: PHP undefined array key warnings
  • Fix: Fatal error when clearing cache in certain conditions
  • Fix: Toggling Uptime from WPMU DEV hub
  • Fix: Clear cache button not white labeled
  • Fix: Onboarding setup wizard summary layout
  • Fix: Onboarding setup wizard tracking option on multisite
  • Fix: Smush upsell block logic
  • Fix: Tutorials on dashboard page cannot be hidden
  • Fix: Duplicate users in notifications modal
  • Fix: Errors when offloading ES6 modules with import statements to CDN
  • Fix: Clear cache button (admin bar) logic on network installs
  • Fix: Cloudflare zone selector not working
  • Fix: High contrast notice in comments lazy load module
  • Fix: Lazy loading WooCommerce reviews

3.3.2 ( 2022-03-14 )

  • Fix: XSS vulnerability

3.3.1 ( 2022-02-24 )

  • New: Onboarding setup wizard
  • Enhance: Support for WPMU DEV Hub
  • Enhance: Add a unique salt when enabling Redis integration
  • Enhance: “How does it work” section in asset optimization module
  • Fix: Incorrect detection of Cloudflare APO status
  • Fix: Missing action buttons on Integrations page in sub sites
  • Fix: Page cache not clearing when caching is disabled on subsites
  • Fix: Duplicate ID elements on dashboard page
  • Fix: Inability to auto start asset optimization scan from dashboard page on free version
  • Fix: Remove global configs from network subsites
  • Fix: An invalid form control with name=’cloudflare-email’ is not focusable error
  • Fix: Documentation link in Notifications module
  • Fix: Translation strings
  • Fix: Styles for Select2 textarea elements

3.3.0 ( 2022-01-11 )

  • New: Font optimization is now part of automatic asset optimization mode
  • New: Notification email designs
  • New: Plugin icon
  • Enhance: Add file size limits for inlining assets in asset optimization module
  • Enhance: Status of assets in asset optimization module
  • Enhance: Updating of exclusion list in asset optimization UI
  • Enhance: Page types exclusions in page caching
  • Enhance: PHP 8.1 compatibility
  • Fix: Clearing page cache on subsites in a network sub-directory installs
  • Fix: Page caching module not showing for site admins
  • Fix: Browser caching module not showing on subsites with Cloudflare integration
  • Fix: Cached files counter when purging cache
  • Fix: Infinite loop with orphaned assets when page cache integrations are enabled
  • Fix: Cases when asset optimization breaks CSS with background SVG images
  • Fix: Asset optimization auto selecting files in auto mode
  • Fix: Cloudflare integration when a site is installed in a sub-folder
  • Fix: Missing notification modules and translations
  • Fix: Errors when purging Varnish cache
  • Fix: Fatal error when scheduling database reports
  • Fix: Fatal error with WP Ultimo 2.x

3.2.1 ( 2021-11-24 )

  • Fix: Sync issues with WPMU DEV Hub

3.2.0 ( 2021-11-24 )

  • New: Notifications module and dashboard widget
  • New: Performance reports for subsites
  • New: Database cleanup reports
  • New: Page cache integration with WP Ultimo plugin
  • New: Browser caching set up wizard
  • Enhance: Simplify and improve browser caching setup
  • Enhance: Allow changing file location for asset optimization in multisite
  • Fix: PHP warnings when syncing settings with Hub
  • Fix: Parse warning in DOM when using font optimization

3.1.4 ( 2021-11-04 )

  • Enhance: White labeling support
  • Fix: Double notices on Dashboard page
  • Fix: Translation strings

3.1.3 ( 2021-11-01 )

  • Enhance: Minor performance improvements

3.1.2 ( 2021-10-19 )

  • New: Option to hide average response time from Uptime reports
  • Enhance: Database cleanup drafts processing – drafts are now moved to trash instead of removed completely
  • Enhance: Asset optimization processing – to prevent infinite processing loops, assets that use timestamps for versions will no longer be tracked
  • Enhance: Asset optimization purging orphaned data entries
  • Enhance: LiteSpeed server browser cache instructions
  • Enhance: Compatibility with WPMU DEV hosting FastCGI
  • Fix: Asset version changes not triggering asset optimization updates
  • Fix: Page cache not clearing out cache when menu is updated
  • Fix: Page cache not working on a page/post if the slug is ‘mobile’
  • Fix: PHP undefined offset warnings
  • Fix: Hidden CPTs clearing out page cache
  • Fix: Configs not working for subsite admins
  • Fix: PHP warnings on Dashboard page when Smush was previously installed and removed
  • Fix: Performance optimization guide link

3.1.1 ( 2021-09-07 )

  • New: Import/export of asset optimization settings on network subsites
  • Enhance: Page caching warnings and errors
  • Enhance: Compatibility with PHP 8.1
  • Fix: PHP warning in Asset Optimization module
  • Fix: Error with [object Object] in Gzip module
  • Fix: Page cache status when disabling the plugin on the network
  • Fix: Preload key requests audit in performance test
  • Fix: Performance scans not always starting in Firefox
  • Fix: Cloudflare integration not detecting mapped domains on subsites
  • Fix: Cloudflare modal not properly closing
  • Fix: Overlapping tooltips on Asset optimization page

3.1.0 ( 2021-07-20 )

  • New: Asset optimization preload option
  • New: Asset optimization async option for external assets
  • New: Add prefix to Redis cache via the WP_REDIS_SALT define (possible to store cache for multiple sites in a single database)
  • New: DNS prefetch for asset optimization CDN
  • New: Filter relevant audits in the performance test
  • New: Connect to Cloudflare via API token
  • Enhance: Allow setting crossorigin attribute for preconnect resources
  • Enhance: Performance test score metrics weights (inline with latest Lighthouse changes)
  • Enhance: Performance test tooltips
  • Enhance: Make sure logging is active only when both WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_LOG are set
  • Enhance: Set the cache by device type option in Cloudflare APO for new installs
  • Enhance: White labeling support
  • Enhance: Processing of configs from other plugins
  • Fix: Do not preconnect to Google fonts servers if no fonts are being optimized
  • Fix: Broken purchase link in Cloudflare APO integration
  • Fix: Page cache module not always showing on subsites
  • Fix: Redis not connecting to external servers via hostname
  • Fix: PHP warnings for undefined index original_size
  • Fix: PHP warnings when doing performance scans from Dashboard
  • Fix: PHP warnings array_filter() expects parameter 1 to be array
  • Fix: Saving/applying settings via configs for Page Caching module on network installs

3.0.1 ( 2021-06-17 )

  • New: Configs
  • New: Define for controlling Redis exclusion groups
  • New: Allow adding admin bar shortcuts for purging various caches
  • Enhance: Move admin bar cache controls settings to the Settings – General page
  • Enhance: Performance test informative audits UI
  • Fix: Dashboard and Gzip compression module layout issues on mobile devices
  • Fix: White pages when page cache is removed without header files
  • Fix: Asset optimization empty debug link on subsites
  • Fix: Documentation links
  • Fix: Skip performance test button styles
  • Fix: Skipping performance tests on subsites

3.0.0 ( 2021-05-19 )

  • New: Performance reports (synced with latest Lighthouse API)
  • New: Cloudflare automatic platform optimization (APO) integration
  • New: Cloudflare integration for subsites
  • New: Asset optimization font preloading
  • New: Allow customizing page cache file names with a wphb_cache_* cookie
  • New: Preconnect option
  • Enhance: Asset optimization asset action tooltips
  • Enhance: UX in Redis integration
  • Enhance: Asset optimization and page cache compatibility
  • Fix: Asset optimization settings reset
  • Fix: Asset optimization UI inconsistencies
  • Fix: Clear cache notice on network subsites
  • Fix: Select element styles on reporting screens
  • Fix: Overwriting network admin settings in advanced tools
  • Fix: Page cache clearing taking too long during post edit
  • Fix: Cloudflare browser caching settings not syncing with Hub

Changelog for previous versions.