Moving When Deploying



Moving When Deploying 

Deploying isn’t considered a QLE, by itself. If you deploy and your family chooses to relocate to a new country, city, or region, the change of address for the family members will trigger a QLE.

Visit Moving to learn more.

Before deploying, you should:

  • Leave a copy of your orders
  • Prepare a Power of Attorney
  • Fill out paperwork so your family members can get copies of medical records and personal health information
  • Make necessary financial arrangements (allotments, automatic bill paying, etc.)


Always keep your family's information current in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS).

  • Show your spouse how to make changes in DEERS while you're away
  • Get identification (ID) cards updated if they're about to expire


Make sure your family knows how to get health care while you're away.

  • Make a list of important phone numbers.     
    • Primary care manager or provider to call for appointments
    • Regional contractor

Go to Contact Us for up-to-date phone numbers.

  • Review your family's TRICARE plan information. Go to Health Plans for information about your plan 
  • Talk about how and where to get prescriptions. Go to Pharmacy for information about the TRICARE Pharmacy Program 

If you're family members are enrolled in TRICARE Prime Remote (TPR), they can remain enrolled while you deploy, as long as they don't move from the designated TPR location. To find out more, contact your regional contractor.

Last Updated 5/11/2022