Rocky Mountain MIRECC for VA Suicide Prevention - MIRECC / CoE
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Rocky Mountain MIRECC for VA Suicide Prevention

Rocky Mountain MIRECC for Veteran Suicide Prevention

Rocky Mountain Short Takes on Suicide Prevention: Military Sexual Trauma (MST) - A Discussion with Dr. Lindsey Monteith

4 October 2018

Dr. Lindsey Monteith

We recorded this podcast to coincide with a series of online trainings that Dr. Monteith is conducting and because this is a particular time in our country where sexual assault is on the minds of many. Lindsey discusses with Adam how we can take a public health approach to sexual violence, one where we can all take responsibility for ending the violence and helping vistims heal. Her research of late has taken a qualitative approach where survivors are given a chance to speak in their own voice and make their own choices. She reminds us to listen with compassion and to believe what survivors are telling us.

Listen to the podcast


FOR SURVIVORS: Help and support are available to survivors of military sexual trauma (MST), as well as for Veterans who have experienced other forms of violence. Some of those resources are below.

The Department of Veterans Affairs has information available on MST, including how to contact an MST Coordinator, services that are available to help survivors of MST, and information about how to apply for disability benefits. VA provides free care for conditions related to MST:

Vet Centers also provide MST-related counseling:

The Veterans Crisis Line is available 24/7 for individuals in crisis: (Chat)
1-800-273-8255 (Press 1)

Specific to women Veterans is the Women Veterans Call Center, which provides information to women Veterans, their families, and caregivers about VA services and resources. They also have an anonymous chat option.
1-855-VA-WOMEN (1-855-829-6636)

The Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) is also available 24/7 by phone or chat.
800-656-HOPE (800-656-4673)

VHA Military Seual Trauma Website

For help with treatment and health care related to experiences of MST, please contact your local VA Medical Center and ask to speak to the MST Coordinator.

For help with Veterans disability compensation related to MST, please contact the MST Coordinator at your local Veterans Benefits Administration Regional Office.


MST Consultation Program, which is available to anyone working in VA:
[email protected]

VA Suicide Risk Management Consultation Program, which provides free consultation to VA and non-VA providers who serve Veterans, with the aim of optimizing care to suicidal Veterans:
[email protected]

Other Resources

Learn more about Dr. Lindsey Monteith

Articles of interet by Lindsey:

And some podcasts:

The Intersection of Intimate Partner Violence & Suicide Prevention with Drs. LeAnn Bruce, Keita Franklin and Lindsey Monteith
12 September 2018 - This podcast is an excellent example of the collaborative relationship between the VA Intimate Partner Violence Assistance Program and the VA Suicide Prevention Program in their mutual efforts to prevent both intimate partner violence (IPV) and suicide for those who have served. Dr. Bruce is the National Program Manager for the VHA Intimate Partner Violence Assistance Program, which serves Veterans, their partners, and VA staff impacted by intimate partner violence. Dr. Franklin is the Executive Director, Suicide Prevention for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention. And Dr. Monteith is a research/clinical psychologist with Rocky Mountain MIRECC for Suicide Prevention.
Listen to the podcast

Military Sexual Trauma and Suicide
22 February 2016 - Join us for our second episode of RMIRECC Short Takes when we interview Dr. Lindsey Monteith about her two recent articles exploring military sexual trauma "Sexual Trauma and Combat During Deployment: Associations With Suicidal Ideation Among OEF/OIF/OND Veterans" and "A Closer Examination of Sexual Trauma During Deployment: Not all Sexual Traumas are Associated with Suicidal Ideation". The podcast is approximately 20 minutes long. Podcast transcript
Listen to Military Sexual Trauma and Suicide



You can find all our podcasts at iTunes on your iPhone or on your Android device. You can also find all our episodes at our host site. Other places where you can find our podcasts include: iHeart Radio, and Blubrry.

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