We Empower Your Clients & Team
Centralized Management Of All Your Clients, Projects, Team and Tasks.
By logging into the dashboard every morning, you get an overview of your agency. See how many requests you have on each website, what your team has recently been up to and more.
- Always be up to date with what's happening in your agency
- Make decisions based on important statistics like how many critical tasks you currently have to complete
- See your teams activity for the last 24 hours
We Changed Our Process To Fit Atarim
Newfold Digital is one of the biggest web agencies in the world, with a thousand website builds per month, they are happy to rely on Atarim as their main collaboration system with clients and internally within the team.
30 to 14 Days Avg. Project Completion
Christina L. - Newfold Digital
Understand Exactly What The Client is Suggesting
The task center hosts all of the tasks/requests that have been made on the website you are viewing. It includes the auto-screenshot that was taken when the task was made, as well as other useful bits of info.
- By clicking a button you are auto-logged into the website and taken to exactly where this task was created
- See the comments that have been made on the task + activity updates on what's been changed
- Filter tasks based on custom tags, status or priority.
Drop Thousands of Useless Clicks
Without Atarim
You get an email/Facebook message/SMS/Phone call from a client, copy it to Slack for your team, add a task to Trello, team member logs in to the client website, comes back to you for clarification, you text the client and reach back to the team, team member says they're on it, you move the task on Trello, team member let's you know it's done, you email the client and moves the task on Trello.
With Atarim
Client adds a request on their own website, your team is notified and claims the task which magically moves the ticket on the Kanban board. When done, the client is notified automatically. Boom 3 hours of your day are now free.
One Inbox To Replace Them All
Atarim’s Email Support Desk is designed to put you in full control of your email support. Our ticketing system turns every request into an actionable task allowing you to assign team members, track time, set statuses and priorities and have all of your communications neatly organized in 1 place.
- Auto-filters incoming emails to the different websites, allowing clients to see all of their requests directly on ther website.
- Setup in less than 15 minutes to start sending and receiving organized emails.
- Track time directly on the ticket and create brandable time reports for your clients.
My Clients LOVE IT
This has saved me so much time and confusion, my clients now simply send my requests and I have all of the information I need to get the work done.
Every single part is well thought out and I have changed all my processes to include this tool as it is worth it.
Now I’m setup to deal with all projects from start to finish and I can’t get rid of the 10 other tools I’ve been using.
Sarah Crawford - A Lined Design
Drag & Drop to Organize Tasks
The boards section gives you an overview of the status and urgency of tasks on a website. By dragging and dropping tasks between columns you can easily organize the work that needs doing urgently and what can wait.
- By updating the boards section you're keeping your client up to date in real time with email notifications
- Clicking a task will pop-up the task view where you can see more info
- Your team's to-do lists are created automatically by your clients from their own website
Natural Learning Curve For Clients
Without Atarim
You send an email to your client to send them to Dropbox and Google doc & provide content, they have no idea where to start so they don't do it. follow up for 2 weeks - 2 years, losing sleep and the little hair you have left, threaten them to pay the rest of the project fee based on your contract, they say that the project was never complete, you tell them it's their fault... Everyone is pissed off.
With Atarim
Allow the client to provide the content visually and within context: "Please click the + icon to add your content and files directly on your website". You have the content and imagery in the correct length to just copy & paste.
Gathering Content is Now Easy
Clients often don’t provide content because they are not sure how to. Empower them with the tools and the context they need.
Auto-Login To All Your Clients' Sites
Without Atarim
You get an email/Facebook message/SMS/Phone call from a client, you're trying to remember the correct domain name, visit the homepage to find the issue, then type in wp-admin and try to remember the password out of the 7 you have saved for this site, login which lands on the backend, you go to the front end and hit "edit page".
With Atarim
You get a message from a client, click on the big button and you're auto-logged in, on the relevant page which scrolls to the exact location of the request. That was 1 click. Time this by 5-15 websites per day.
Manage Clients From One Platform
The Agency Dashboard has all of your client’s websites containing all of their requests, making it super easy to manage.
Eliminate Meaningless Back & Forth
Without Atarim
You get a 4-word email/Facebook message/SMS/Phone call from a client "The button is not working", you reply asking which button, they say "the button! On the website". 4 days and 15 communication cycles later you realise they are talking about a menu item that is shown weird on Internet Explorer from 1997.
With Atarim
Client adds a 4-word request on their own website. You get an automated screenshot, the screen size, browser version and clicking on it takes you to the exact page and scrolls to the exact location of the request. Done.
Always Work
As A Team
Create internal requests on your clients’ live websites to collaborate with your team, keeping everyone on the same page.