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Environmental Fitness

Some environmental factors affect our physical, mental, or spiritual health, and some just affect our ability to complete our job or mission. A well-organized work environment can also optimize performance, enhance mental or spiritual wellness, and help avoid potential hazards. Time spent organizing your environment is likely to pay off in the long term.

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Keep Your Car Winter Ready

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Winter Safety

Winter Safety

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Military Personnel training

Don’t fool with Mother Nature in the winter: Be prepared

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Ask the Doc: My Nose Knows

Many people suffer from season allergies.

Dear Doc: I suffer from horrible allergies every year and I've just changed duty stations to an area that I've been told is especially bad for them in the spring. I've tried over-the-counter meds for years and nothing seems to work. With things starting to bloom, I'm almost afraid to go outside. How can I keep my allergies in check and make sure I can finally enjoy the warm weather in the next few months? — My Nose Knows (and so do my eyes and throat)

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Total Force Fitness Reintroduction

Total Force Fitness Reintroduction

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5 Ideas for Nature Bathing in Winter

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Nature bathing? It’s a thing and comes with numerous benefits. It’s simply spending time outdoors and immersing yourself in nature. But, how does one enjoy nature bathing with Jack Frost nipping at your nose?

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Wildfire smoke wreaks havoc on respiratory and immune systems

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State and country health advisory alerts on diminished air quality have been posted and shared to alert local populations.

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Showing results 1 - 7 Page 1 of 1
Last Updated: June 22, 2022

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