Calls: Send in your ideas. Deadline August 1st, 2022.

Areas of special interest

Since 1997 NLnet has been providing funding to a large diversity of efforts that all somehow improve the internet. These strategic efforts take place at many different layers of technology — from better software that offers security by design to more trustworthy (open) hardware, from differential privacy to redesigning core technical protocols. NLnet believes the internet is for end users, but there are many interests and invisible hands in the market that push it in other directions — meaning continuous effort is needed to take care the internet evolves in the right direction.

In order to cater for that wide spectrum of ideas and challenges, our preferred instrument is the competitive open call. (your donation helps to fuel those open calls!)

Sometimes a more targeted approach is required. Pending availability of such funds we may put in targetted effort in areas of specific interest. Such a focus can help increase critical mass, and increase the impact of projects even further.

We also can operate regional funds, donor advised funds as well as Named Funds.

Current thematic funds

NGI Assure Fund
The internet lies at the heart of our modern economies and societies, but it was not designed to be used in the way we use it now. Additional innovations are needed, in particular to make usage of remote resources on the internet more trustworthy and secure. The goal of NGI Assure is to support projects that design and engineer reusable building blocks for the Next Generation Internet as part of a complete, strong chain of assurances for all stakeholders regarding the source and integrity of identities, identifiers, data, cyberphysical systems, service components and processes. Between 2020 and 2023 we are able to award projects 5.000 to 50.000 euro (and potentially even more) to contribute to research and open source development in this field. Interested? Continue reading about the NGI Assure Fund, or propose a project.
NGI Zero Entrust Fund (NGI Zero)
Reliability, confidentiality, integrity, security and data portability should be the 'new normal' of the internet, something ordinary users should not have to worry about ߞ users should be in control. But how do we achieve trustworthiness and data sovereignty? Can your idea help strenghten the position of end users, do you have ideas on how to improve the status quo on the internet and make it more resilient, transparent and open? Between 2022 and 2025 we are able to award projects 5.000 to 50.000 euro (and potentially even more) to contribute to research and open source development in this field. Interested? Continue reading about NGI0 Entrust, or propose a project.
User-operated Internet Fund
The best thing about the internet is that we are all connected, but hand in hand with that comes its organic and decentralised nature that caters for disruptive innovation and diversity. From the edges inwards, users themselves can collectively own, operate and rewrite every aspect of the technology and infrastructure they depend on. Once you are able to connect even to a single other user, you are free to do within that connection what you want and wherever your skills and imagination can take you. This important empowering property of self-determination is unfortunately not cast in stone — the internet has no coordinated defense mechanisms built in against hostile take-overs or unethical behaviour, so it is up to the community to organise itself and keep the internet open. A healthy, resilient, sustainable and fair internet for everyone is not created by any individual private or public entity, but by its users. Want to contribute? Have a look at the User-Operated Internet Fund.
Research and Higher Education Technology Fund
Financial cuts and the 'publish or perish' paradigm are increasingly impacting the capability of the research and education community to contribute to the future of the internet - while the internet needs their talent and ideas more than ever. The Research and Higher Education Technology Fund was created to help fund small initiatives that can make a noticeable difference to the users and providers of Research and Education networks. more >

We have more excellent projects requesting money than we can afford. If you or your organisation have means to support these activities, let us know. NLnet welcomes your targeted donations of any size to let us help more projects. We have many interesting projects coming to us outside of our current themes (courtesy of a really open call), but we understand that not every project fits with every donor. By supporting a dedicated fund, NLnet guarantees that your money will only go to projects in your specific area of interest. NLnet is a charity established since 1997, with its head office in Amsterdam. NLnet foundation is recognised by the Netherlands tax authorities, and your donations are likely tax deductible.

Please contact us for more information.

Regional funds

NLnet itself chooses to fund globally, because technology is a global phenomenon — stimulating open technology is important for humans across all geographic, social and cultural barriers. However, building local capacity and skills in your own commuity can be a very legimitate concern of a donor. If you want to give back to your own community by means of your will, and yet want to maximise the benefit for the rest of the planet, NLnet can help by creating a regional fund. NLnet will earmark the money you bequeath, and guarantees it will be spent on projects in the region of your choice. Because NLnet is a registered charity, your donation gets the most friendly fiscal treatment.

There is a good legal basis in EU case law for cross-border charitable donation and tax-relief — Persche (C-318/07, also Official Journal of the EU):

Where a taxpayer claims, in a Member State, the deduction for tax purposes of gifts to bodies established and recognised as charitable in another Member State, such gifts come within the compass of the provisions of the EC Treaty relating to the free movement of capital, even if they are made in kind in the form of everyday consumer goods.

If you want to establish a regionally focussed fund related to open technnology, or donate to an existing regional fund, please contact Bob Goudriaan or Michiel Leenaars.

Named funds

Do you want to promote the technical and social values you have after your life? If you want to "pay it forward" and enable exiting new ideas and talented and dedicated people of all ages to contribute to the open internet and open source technology, NLnet can help by creating a Named fund. Because NLnet is a registered charity, the legacy you leave benefits from very favourable tax conditions allowing to maximise the impact of your fund.

There is a good legal basis in EU case law for cross-border charitable donation and tax-relief — Persche (C-318/07, also Official Journal of the EU):

Where a taxpayer claims, in a Member State, the deduction for tax purposes of gifts to bodies established and recognised as charitable in another Member State, such gifts come within the compass of the provisions of the EC Treaty relating to the free movement of capital, even if they are made in kind in the form of everyday consumer goods.

If you want to establish a Named fund related to open technnology, or donate to an existing Named fund in honour of that person, please contact Bob Goudriaan or Michiel Leenaars.

Funds in concluding phase

The following thematic funds are still active in the sense that there are ongoing projects but they are no longer accepting new proposals.

Privacy & Trust Fund (NGI Zero) - until 2022

Many technologies in popular use were never designed with privacy, security or even extensibility in mind, or failed to fundamentally address key issues at the design phase. The research topic of Privacy and Trust enhancing technologies is aimed at providing people with new instruments that allow them more agency - and assist us with fulfilling the human need of keeping some private and confidential context and information private and confidential.

Read more about the Privacy & Trust Fund or check out the projects currently supported within this topic..

NGI0 PET is made possible with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet programme, under the aegis of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology, under Horizon 2020 grant agreement No 825310.

Search and Discovery Fund (NGI Zero) - until 2022
How we store, annotate, retrieve and analyse information shapes our societies and economies in a very concrete and systematic sense of the term, and has a major impact on our collective and individual view of the world. How do we make sure that the core human values we hold high as society are strenghtened by technology rather than anything else? Do you have an idea in the area of search and discovery? Between 2018 and 2021 we are able to award projects 5.000 to 50.000 euro (and potentially even more) to contribute to research and open source development in this field. Interested? Continue reading about the Search & Discovery Fund or check out the projects currently supported within this topic.

NGI0 Discovery is made possible with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet programme, under the aegis of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology, under Horizon 2020 grant agreement No 825322.

Internet Hardening - until 2022
Whistleblower Edward Snowden in 2013 revealed a whole new dark dimension of the internet, where pervasive monitoring at a scale that was unimaginable is just the starting point of many other threats. In response, the IETF (the standards body behind the internet) firmly stated that it considers the internet to be "under technical attack". In other circumstances, one might want to drop the whole technology, but this is not easy because the internet has become a critical infrastructure for society. It is therefore vital to adequately address that attack, and revisit the security and privacy properties of the internets underpinning standards. The Internet Hardening Fund is aimed at funding such efforts to help the internet forward - by improving its security, reliability and trustworthiness. By rewriting or replacing standards where necessary, and by make sure that those standards are actually deployed. For that, you can apply to the Internet Hardening Fund.

Retired funds

The following thematic funds have been completed, and there are neither projects running nor new projects being accepted. Not because the topics are not important anymore in this day and age, but because we do not currently have any budget specifically earmarked for proposals within these topics. We do welcome proposals for our open call, as well as donations that would allow us to revitalise one or more of these thematic funds.

Real-time communication
There are many separate high-quality techologies and services available for people to communicate across the internet live, but the development is significantly hindered by the fragmentation of the market. We need the internet model applied to unlock the potential of the internet for this crucial human need. more >
Open Document Format
The Open Document Format is an important enabler for innovation in the area of productivity and security. Open Standards are the only way to retain our documents for the future. more >
Domain name technology is at the core of the way people use the internet. DNSSEC is a core technology for safer internet usage, and the key to new exciting technologies for years to come. more >