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Privacy Policy of

This Privacy Policy describes the types of inform­a­tion that the Bren­nan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law (“Bren­nan Center”) may collect from you or that you may provide when you visit the website www.bren­nan­cen­ (the “Site”) or donate to the Bren­nan Center, and our prac­tices for collect­ing, using, main­tain­ing, protect­ing and disclos­ing that inform­a­tion. You are advised to consult the “Privacy” link on the Site each time you visit the Site. Your contin­ued use of the Site consti­tutes your agree­ment to the Policy, as it may be amended from time to time.
1. Inform­a­tion We Collect.
We may collect personal inform­a­tion from you when you submit it to the Site or donate to the Bren­nan Center. The follow­ing list includes the most common ways that you may provide your personal inform­a­tion to us:
Auto­mat­ic­ally Collec­ted Data.  We auto­mat­ic­ally collect and store IP addresses and domain names of visit­ors’ computers.  We also track the number, frequency, and length of visits to each page. If you visit our website from another website, we may also identify that source link.  Auto­mat­ic­ally collec­ted data is used to determ­ine which sections of our website are the most visited and by whom, in order to make our website a more useful resource.
Regis­tra­tion. We do not ask that you register or enter any personal inform­a­tion to access or use most areas of the Site. However, you may choose to subscribe to certain news­let­ters distrib­uted by the Bren­nan Center or to join our mail­ing list, which may require you to enter certain personal inform­a­tion. If you have any ques­tions about modi­fy­ing or delet­ing your inform­a­tion, you can contact us directly at digital@bren­
Dona­tions and Gifts; Secure Trans­ac­tions. In order to make a dona­tion or other gift, you will be required to provide personal inform­a­tion about your­self.  When you donate via the Site, your dona­tion is processed via Network For Good, and the Bren­nan Center does not have access to your credit card data. Other dona­tion inform­a­tion (i.e., your name, address, dona­tion amount) is trans­mit­ted to the Bren­nan Center via a secure connec­tion.   
Commu­nic­a­tions between you and the Bren­nan Center. As described in this Policy, you may contact the Bren­nan Center or subscribe to news­let­ters and other mail­ings, and the Bren­nan Center may respond to your inquir­ies or request for mail­ings.  Addi­tion­ally, when you provide us with your email address and mail­ing address, we may contact you to ask you to support the Bren­nan Center. You can choose not to receive such requests by email­ing dona­tion­s@bren­ If you have opted to receive any of our public­a­tions by email, you are able at any time to unsub­scribe from that public­a­tion by click­ing the “unsub­scribe” link that appears in the email public­a­tion itself.
2. Other Inform­a­tion We Collect.
Cook­ies; Track­ing Mech­an­isms.  The Bren­nan Center uses cook­ies to prepop­u­late forms for users, to auto-popu­late forms, and to track user patterns on the Site. These cook­ies help us under­stand what parts of the Site are most inter­est­ing to our users. The inform­a­tion in the cookie includes a user’s IP address and is trans­mit­ted to and stored by Google. You may at any time delete any cook­ies by using the relev­ant option of your Inter­net or mobile browser or by delet­ing the cook­ies on your hard drive or mobile device.
We track open rates, click-throughs and the IP address of Site users to meas­ure the effect­ive­ness of our campaigns and discour­age fraud­u­lent uses.  We may employ web beacons to help us compile aggreg­ated stat­ist­ics regard­ing the oper­a­tions of the Site.
Analyt­ics. The Bren­nan Center has imple­men­ted Google Analyt­ics to better under­stand our website visit­ors and to help refine our online ad campaign strategies.  You can opt-out of Google Analyt­ics by modi­fy­ing your Ads Settings or by down­load­ing this browser exten­sion. For more inform­a­tion on how Google Analyt­ics may use your data, you may review its policy located at this link.
Using the settings of your Inter­net or mobile browser, you can choose to have your computer warn you each time a cookie is being sent, or you can choose to turn off all cook­ies. Consult your browser Help menu or the vendor docu­ment­a­tion for your specific soft­ware to learn the correct way to modify your cook­ies. If you choose to turn off cook­ies, you may not have access to many features that make your brows­ing of our Site smoother, and some of our services may not func­tion prop­erly. If you continue to use our Site without chan­ging your settings, you consent to our use of cook­ies and other tools on the Site.
If you do not want us to collect inform­a­tion about your geographic loca­tion, you should disable the tech­no­logy that trans­mits this inform­a­tion.
The follow­ing list includes the differ­ent services that are connec­ted to this website, and what personal inform­a­tion may be tracked or recor­ded: 
3. Use/Shar­ing of Your Inform­a­tion.
The Bren­nan Center may disclose certain personal inform­a­tion to third parties, (i) to manage our website and data­base with the help of service providers (who are oblig­ated to main­tain the confid­en­ti­al­ity of any provided personal inform­a­tion), (ii) as part of our normal busi­ness oper­a­tions, (iii) to send you commu­nic­a­tions about your inter­ac­tions with us or about features of the Site, or (iv) as required by law or reques­ted by govern­mental or law enforce­ment author­it­ies, subpoena, court order or discov­ery request, or when we other­wise believe in good faith that such disclos­ure is appro­pri­ate in connec­tion with any activ­ity that may viol­ate the law or the rights of others, threaten the safety or secur­ity of any person or prop­erty (includ­ing the Site) or expose us to liab­il­ity.
In addi­tion, the Bren­nan Center may occa­sion­ally share donor data with organ­iz­a­tions that we think may interest our donors (“Shar­ing Organ­iz­a­tions”).  This process is care­fully controlled through a third party service provider. The Shar­ing Organ­iz­a­tion does not see our data, nor does it know what inform­a­tion is contained therein other than the names and contact inform­a­tion of those indi­vidu­als who respond to its commu­nic­a­tion.  If you prefer that we not include your data for shar­ing in this manner may opt out by (a) send­ing an email to the “opt-out” mail­box iden­ti­fied in the dona­tion confirm­a­tion email if the dona­tion is made online; (b) send­ing an email to dona­tion­s@bren­, or (c) check­ing the relev­ant box on a dona­tion slip received in the mail.  Please allow up to six weeks for processing of such requests.
 4. Other Websites.
This Policy applies only to the Site. If you visit any unaf­fili­ated website linked to the Site (for example, Twit­ter, Face­book or other social media sites), you are subject to that entity’s own privacy policies, which we do not control or monitor. You should review the privacy policies of all third-party websites before you visit them. The Bren­nan Center has not reviewed all of the sites linked to this Site and it makes no repres­ent­a­tions or warranties as to the privacy prac­tices, func­tion­ing or content of any sites linked to this Site.
5. Inter­na­tional Use.
This Privacy Policy is inten­ded to meet the laws and regu­la­tions of the United States, and despite the global nature of the Inter­net, the Bren­nan Center makes no claims that the Site is appro­pri­ate or may be viewed or used outside the United States. Further­more, our data­bases are located in the United States. By send­ing us your data, you consent to its trans­fer to and stor­age within the United States. Irre­spect­ive of the coun­try in which you reside or from which you access the Site, you author­ize the Bren­nan Center to use your personal inform­a­tion in the United States and any other coun­try where it oper­ates. Access to the Site from coun­tries or territ­or­ies where such access is illegal or contrary to applic­able rules or regu­la­tions is prohib­ited. Those who access the Site from outside the United States do so on their own initi­at­ive and are respons­ible for compli­ance with local laws, rules and regu­la­tions. 
6. Chil­dren’s Privacy.
The Site is not targeted toward, and we do not seek or desire to collect inform­a­tion from, chil­dren under the age of 13. There­fore, we will not know­ingly request inform­a­tion from persons under such age. If we become aware that we have collec­ted any personal inform­a­tion from chil­dren under 13, we will promptly use commer­cially reas­on­able efforts to delete such inform­a­tion.  If you believe that we might have personal inform­a­tion of a child under 13, please contact us at bren­nan­center­
7. Notice Proced­ures.
Please send all Privacy Policy-related commu­nic­a­tions to bren­nan­center­ To the fullest extent permit­ted by law, you agree to receive all legally required notices regard­ing this Privacy Policy or any privacy or secur­ity breaches relat­ing to the Site at the email address you use to contact the Site.
8. Govern­ing Law.
You agree that this Policy and your use of this Site shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of New York. Any dispute relat­ing to this Policy and your use of this Site shall be resolved solely in the state or federal courts located in the State and County of New York.