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The Fight for Fair Maps

Redistricting for the next decade is underway, and decisions made now will be with us for the next 10 years. We’re working to ensure fair and equitable representation for all Americans.

Redistricting in 2021
Dan Bejar


In 2021 and 2022, states and local govern­ments across the coun­try will redraw elect­oral districts based on the results of the 2020 census. Redis­trict­ing will have an immense impact on our demo­cracy, influ­en­cing who wins elec­tions, who is at the table when laws are considered, and what laws are passed.

In many ways, this redis­trict­ing cycle will be the most chal­len­ging ever. An increas­ingly diverse elect­or­ate has trans­formed the Amer­ican polit­ical land­scape but also set the stage for back­lash, espe­cially against the grow­ing polit­ical power of communit­ies of color. For the first time in six decades, the redis­trict­ing process will take place without crucial protec­tions of the Voting Rights Act. On top of that, a 2019 Supreme Court decision has opened the door to even more aggress­ive partisan gerry­man­der­ing.

As urgent federal reforms await passage in Congress, the redis­trict­ing process remains all too vulner­able to racial discrim­in­a­tion and partisan manip­u­la­tion.

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