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Public Affairs Resources

Our mission is to promote positive support for the 118th Wing and the Tennessee Air National Guard by providing accurate, relevant and timely information to our members, their families, and to our local community, state and nation.

Flyover and Static Display Requests

Flyover and Static Display Requests
All flyover and static aircraft requests will be processed through the U.S. Air Force Aerial Events Office. Please do not contact any specific unit directly for aircraft support.

As a general rule, flyover requests are supported for Patriotic Holidays or for Open House and Air Shows only. If a request does not satisfy one of these requirements, justification must show a significant contribution toward military appreciation.

For all flyover requests, a DD Form 2535 must be filled out online at www.airshows.pa.hq.af.mil no later than 30 days prior to the event. Once applications are received, requestors will receive an e-mail with further instructions. Requesters will be required to get many signatures, complete the application and fax the application back to Aerial Events. Once the complete application is received, it will be reviewed and routed for higher approval.

Once a determination is made, requesters will receive an e-mail at the address provided on the application.

If your unit or event has received an approval from the U.S. Air Force Aerial Events Office and you are interested in receiving aircraft support from the Tennessee Air National Guard, please contact:

Tennessee Joint Force Headquarters
Phone: (615) 313-0633

JFHQ-TN Public Affairs will coordinate with the applicable unit to determine if an aircraft is available to support the flyover or static display request. Once coordination with the unit is complete, and JFHQ-TN Public Affairs will notify the requester of the final determination.

If the Tennessee Air National Guard is unable to support an event, requesters are encouraged to contact other Air National Guard, Air Reserve or Air Force Bases within their region.

Tour Request

The 118th Wing is dedicated to providing educational opportunities to the public on our role in our nation's defense. Guided informational tours of base facilities and functions are available. If you are interested in a tour, please email the 118th Wing Public Affairs team to find out the times and dates of the next tour. 118th Wing Public Affairs inbox

Request for Military Support

The 118th Wing can provide speakers for Veteran's Day, Armed Forces Day and Memorial Day public observances, and can also provide speakers for many other appropriate public events. Air National Guard personnel can speak on a wide variety of topics including: Military Support to Civil Authorities, Military Avaition, Leadership, Education Opportunities, Family Readiness and Support, Military Law, Military History, Military Medicine, Public Relations, and Journalism.

Instructions for Requesting Military Support:
Please keep in mind that the 118th Wing is a part-time force training and serving our nation and state in a time of war. In order to support an event, requests must be submitted up to 90-days prior to the date of your event. We try to fulfill as many of these requests as possible; however, operational commitments take priority and may supersede a request with little advance notice. All requests for assistance must be submitted on the proper Department of Defense form, which you will find below.

To request assistance please fill out the DD Form 2536 then email that to the 118th Wing Public Affairs inbox.

118th Wing Public Affairs Office
Com: (615) 660-8062

Hometown News

Hometown News Release Program

Help tell the good news that takes place in the Tennessee Air National Guard. The Hometown News Release Program allows for individual service members to inform their communities of their personal military accomplishments. Each year over 500,000 individual news releases are distributed to the 14,000 newspapers, television and radio stations with this service.

The Hometown News Release form, DD Form 2266, helps the Public Affairs Officer spread the word about events such as promotions, awards, or any significant reassignments, etc. All good examples to be used with this free service.

Filling out the form is very basic and easy. Once completed, email the form to the Public Affairs Office, who will assist in getting it submitted to your local media outlets. If there are any questions about this program or form please contact the 118th Public Affairs Office at: (615) 660-8062.

Public Affairs Office

118th Wing Public Affairs
Berry Field ANGB, TN 37217
(615) 660-8062 or DSN: 844-8062

Media Inquiries