
You can RSVP and (optionally) donate to our events on our Open Collective Page.

In addition to supporting our work, donors can get their own Cypurr secura-Tee!

gif of a kitty adoring our new cypurr shirt (cyan cat logo on black tee) with text reading 'Buy Now!'

About Cypurr

We’re a small cryptoparty and cat-enthusiast collective. We’ve held digital security workshops all over NYC, including the New York Public Library, Brooklyn Public Library, Bluestockings, Babycastles, and more over the past four years. We are a member of the Electronic Frontier Alliance


To educate the public on cybersecurity in an accessible and hollistic way with fun cats. Our work aims to resist systemic oppressions through community self-defense

Presentation Materials

Our presentation materials are hosted on github.

That folder contains a variety of powerpoint files, pdfs, and html documents that are resources from our cryptoparties. Feel free to use and modify them as you please with attribution & a share-alike license (CC BY-SA 4.0).

Let's Work Together

Reach out if you'd like to arrange a training, offer us some feedback, or just want to say hello.

Our email (protonmail): info [ at ]