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EFFector - Volume 26, Issue 11 - CISPA: We're not out of the woods yet


EFFector - Volume 26, Issue 11 - CISPA: We're not out of the woods yet

EFFector! Electronic Frontier Foundation

In our 638th issue:

U.S. House of Representatives Shamefully Passes CISPA

You may have heard the rumors: key staffers on the Hill say that the Senate is unlikely to take up CISPA, even though it passed the House. But we're not out of the woods yet. The Senate is going to be taking up some kind of cybersecurity legislation. We need to make sure it's not the twin of CISPA, which would allow companies to bypass all existing privacy law to spy on communications and pass sensitive user data to the government. Now's the time to let your senator know that we won't tolerate privacy-killing legislation under CISPA or any other name. Users can speak out against the bill through our action center.

California's New Open Access Bill

A new initiative -- the California Taxpayer Access to Publicly Funded Research Act (AB 690) -- would give the public access to hundreds of millions of dollars worth of research funded by California residents. Right now, universities and research institutions are forced to pay exorbitant amounts for knowledge they helped create -- and that you helped underwrite. This bill would help fix that. Californians can take action here.

U.S. Drone Test Sites Must Include Stronger Privacy Protections

The Federal Aviation Administration's proposed privacy requirements for domestic drone test sites are not robust enough to protect the public, EFF argues in its official comments filed with the agency this week. Staff Attorney Jennifer Lynch outlines five key recommendations to safeguard privacy and civil liberties while allowing unmanned-aerial-system operators to explore the potentials of this emerging technology.

EFF Updates

The Disconcerting Details: How Facebook Teams Up With Data Brokers to Show You Targeted Ads

Facebook’s new ad targeting program works with four data brokers: Acxiom, Datalogix, Epsilon, and BlueKai. Companies who want to advertise on Facebook can use the data controlled by these data brokers to build custom groups and then show those groups targeted ads on Facebook. Check out EFF's FAQ about the program and suggestions for protecting your privacy.

EFF Moves to Quash Subpoena in Copyright Troll's Retaliatory Lawsuit

EFF filed a motion to quash a subpoena from Prenda Law seeking the identity of the blogger behind Die Troll Die, a website which for years has offered news and views on "porn trolls." As we explained in our brief, Die Troll Die has a constitutional right to speak its mind, and Prenda Law's claims of defamation are meritless.

The Only Thing the Broadcasting Treaty Is Good For Is Crushing Innovation

The Broadcasting Treaty is a misguided proposal that would create a new bundle of copyright-like controls for broadcasters (including major media companies like NBC and Fox) that want to prevent new forms of innovative technology from threatening their market position.

EFF Fights to Protect Electronic Reserves at College Libraries

In a long-running lawsuit, the publishing world is demanding that libraries pay fees for excerpts they make available digitally to students. In an amicus brief filed on behalf of several national library associations, EFF argued that electronic reserves are protected fair uses that benefit the public.

Another Lawsuit Threat Raises the Question: Why Don't We Have a Federal Anti-SLAPP Law Yet?

Another innocent customer unfortunately has been sued for defamation, simply for leaving a negative review of a company on eBay. Cases like this reinforce the need for strong anti-SLAPP laws, which provide remedies that allow innocent free speakers to quickly shoot down frivolous lawsuits without having to worry about legal fees.

Civil Liberties Groups and Companies Demand Congress Update Email Privacy Law

This week, with encouragement from a wide range of companies and civil liberties groups like EFF, the Senate Judiciary Committee passed a bill that would update email privacy law. The bill is now ready to go to the full Senate for a vote.


EPIC FOIA request reveals details about government cybersecurity program

New documents obtained by EPIC in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit reveal a collaboration between the Defense Department, the Department of Homeland Security, and private companies to allow government monitoring of private Internet networks.

Online tracking debate heats up

The BBC wittily nails online-tracking agencies such as BlueKai in a video featuring EFF's Technology Projects Director Peter Eckersley.

Thousands of people tweet to Rep. Mike Rogers

When Representative Mike Rogers dismissed critics of his cybersecurity legislation as "14 year olds" tweeting in a "basement," a campaign quickly went viral on Twitter in which thousands of people tweeted at Rogers' account about how they're not 14, not in a basement, but still very much opposed to CISPA.

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Our members make it possible for EFF to bring legal and technological expertise into crucial battles about online rights. Whether defending free speech online or challenging unconstitutional surveillance, your participation makes a difference. Every donation gives technology users who value freedom online a stronger voice and more formidable advocate.

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Editor: Rainey Reitman, Activism Director
[email protected]

EFFector is a publication of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Membership & donation queries: [email protected]

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Reproduction of this publication in electronic media is encouraged. MiniLinks do not necessarily represent the views of EFF.

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Intern with us

The Electronic Frontier Foundation and Global Voices Advocacy are jointly seeking two interns to work from EFF’s offices in San Francisco for summer 2013. University students and recent graduates with excellent writing skills and a deep understanding of free expression, openness, and privacy on the global Internet are strongly encouraged to apply.


EFF's Donor Relations Coordinator Kellie Brownell and Senior Web Developer Mark Burdett will speak at CiviCon, the annual, international meeting of CiviCRM users, implementers and developers.
April 26, 2013
Berkeley, CA

New Media, New Politics? (post-) Revolutions in Theory and Practice

EFF’s Director for International Freedom of Expression Jillian York will speak at a conference organized by the Arab Media Centre Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI).
April 26, 2013
London, England

CiviCRM Sprint

EFF's Senior Web Developer Mark Burdett and Technology Generalist Leez Wright will join other members of the CiviCRM community to document new CiviCRM features, improve usability, incorporate EFF's patches into CiviCRM, improve test coverage, squash bugs, and discuss requirements for upcoming CiviCRM features.
April 28-May 5, 2013
Nevada City, CA

Bitcoin 2013: the Future of Payments

The Bitcoin Foundation presents Bitcoin 2013: The Future of Payments. On May 18, EFF Activism Director Rainey Reitman will speak on censorship by financial intermediaries.
May 17-19, 2013
San Jose, CA

re:publica conference, 13

EFF's Director for International Freedom of Expression Jillian C. York joins a panel called "Responding Effectively to Digital Emergencies & Human Rights Violations Online."
May 6-8, 2013
Berlin, Germany

Security BSides Boston

Security BSides is a community-driven framework for building events for and by information security community members. This event, BSidesBOS, will promote information about security to an audience of both new and well-established professionals and techies.
May 18, 2013
Boston, MA

EFF at Maker Faire Bay Area 2013

Join EFF at Maker Faire Bay Area! Part science fair, part county fair, and part something entirely new, Maker Faire is an all-ages gathering of tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators, tinkerers, hobbyists, engineers, science clubs, authors, artists, students, and commercial exhibitors.
May 18-19, 2013
San Mateo, CA

International Press Institute World Congress 2013

EFF Director of International Freedom of Expression Jillian York is speaking on a panel entitled "Internet Regulation: What are the Implications for Democracy and Press Freedom?" at the International Press Institute World Congress 2013, "Documenting Change/Empowering Media."
May 19-21, 2013
Amman, Jordan

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