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EFFector - Volume 25, Issue 19 - Demand a Free and Open Internet


EFFector - Volume 25, Issue 19 - Demand a Free and Open Internet

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EFFector! Electronic Frontier Foundation

In our 614th issue:

Demand a Free and Open Internet

For too long, Congress has attempted to legislate the Internet to accomodate deep-pocketed corporate lobbyists and heavy-handed law enforcement at the expense of users' basic constitutional rights. Netizens' strong desire to keep the Internet open and free has been brushed aside as naive and inconsequential. Well, no longer. Join EFF and a broad, international coalition in calling on elected officials to sign the Declaration of Internet Freedom. Sign it here.

Three NSA Whistleblowers Back EFF's Lawsuit Over Government's Massive Spying Program

In a recently filed motion, three former National Security Agency analysts confirm that the NSA has, or is in the process of obtaining, the capability to seize and store most electronic communications passing through its U.S. intercept centers, such as the "secret room" at the AT&T; facility in San Francisco first disclosed by retired AT&T; technician Mark Klein in early 2006. These security experts have come forward to give evidence in the EFF's lawsuit against the government's illegal mass surveillance program.

Internet Users Again Shut Out of Secret TPP Negotiations

Secret, undemocratic trade agreements could put shackles on our free and open Internet. Right now in San Diego, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement is being negotiated behind closed doors in a process that excludes civil society, the public, and representatives. EFF's international team is in San Diego fighting for Internet users' interests and transparency. Please join us and tell Congress that there should be no backroom deals to regulate the Internet.

EFF Updates

Bears Good, Cancer Bad. Also Bad: Trying to Punish A Critic by Preventing Him from Giving Money to Charity

The Oatmeal creator Matthew Inman fights attorney Charles Carreon's demand for a temporary restraining order on Inman's "BearLove Good, Cancer Bad" fundraising campaign with the help of EFF and co-counsel Venkat Balasubramani.

Ad Biz Claims It Must Disregard User Privacy Choices to Safeguard "Cybersecurity"

Senator Rockefeller dismisses the advertising industry's "cybersecurity" claims as little more than a "red herring" at a recent Senate Commerce Committee hearing.

Obama Administration Holds Out on NSA's Numbers

Since last year, a few members of Congress have been trying to get the Obama administration to answer a simple question: how many Americans' phone calls or emails have been and are being collected and read without a warrant under the authority of the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 (FAA)?

With Facebook's "Reporting Guide," A Step in the Right Direction

Facebook should be commended for lending transparency to its content reporting process that has long come under criticism for its seeming arbitrariness. This is a step in the right direction, though the fact remains that the concept of "community reporting" is inherently problematic, particularly for high-profile and activist users of a site.

Widespread Participation Is Key in Internet Governance

Several governments are pushing for proposals that seek to draw borders around the global Internet. With big decisions at stake, it's critical that Internet users understand the threats and have a meaningful say in the final outcome.

EU Weighs in on Privacy in Face Recognition Apps

While often fun and convenient for users, facial recognition applications also raise privacy concerns for the individuals whose data is collected and used in the process. It is particularly problematic as personal data in these applications is sometimes used out of context by employers and law enforcement.

EFF Signs Joint Coalition Letter Urging Companies to be Proactive on Export Regulations

EFF continues its campaign to change export controls that prevent important communications technologies from reaching activists and dissidents.


Twitter issues transparency report on government takedown requests

Twitter's first ever Transparency Report covers user information requests and removal requests by country, as well as the number of copyright takedown notices Twitter received in the first half of 2012.

Top EU court upholds right to resell downloaded software

The European Court of Justice rules in software sale case: you buy it, you own it. Yes, even with digital products.

The New York Times' Chinese-language edition caught in China's censors

Soon after The New York Times' Chinese-language edition launched, various blogs reported that the site and its microblog accounts could not be accessed anymore.


ISSN 1062-9424

EFFector is a publication of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
454 Shotwell Street
San Francisco, CA
USA +1 415 436 9333
+1 415 436 9993 (fax)

Editor: Adi Kamdar, Activist
[email protected]

Membership & donation queries: [email protected]

General EFF, legal, policy, or online resources queries: [email protected]

Reproduction of this publication in electronic media is encouraged. Signed articles do not necessarily represent the views of EFF. To reproduce signed articles individually, please contact the authors for their express permission.

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Software Patents Endanger Innovation

EFF launched a campaign against software patents two weeks ago, and already 8,311 people have spoken out against a broken system. Help us get to 10,000.

Free Software Foundation Hiring for Campaigns Team

Passionate about free software and want to make a change? Our friends at the Free Software Foundation (FSF) are seeking two individuals to join as full-time campaign managers.

TPP Stakeholder Negotiations and Public Kick-Off Rally

The 13th round of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations are underway at the Hilton Bayfront Hotel in San Diego. Carolina Rossini and Maira Sutton of EFF's international IP team will participate in the official TPP stakeholder events at the Hilton.
July 2-10, 2012
San Diego, CA

Hope Number 9

Come meet EFF activists, lawyers, and technologists at Hackers On Planet Earth, one of the most creative and diverse hacker events in the world. HOPE Number Nine will be taking place on July 13, 14, and 15, 2012 at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City.
July 13-15, 2012
New York, NY


Stop by the EFF booth at OSCON to learn about our latest work or join the cause! Join the world’s open source pioneers, builders, and innovators July 16-20 in Portland, Oregon for five intense days.
July 16-20, 2012
Portland, OR

Black Hat

EFF attorneys Kurt Opsahl, Marsha Hofmann, and Hanni Fakhoury will be attending Black Hat, which brings together thought leaders from all facets of the infosec world -- from the corporate and government sectors to academic and even underground researchers. The environment is strictly vendor-neutral and focused on the sharing of practical insights and timely, actionable knowledge.
July 21, 2012
Las Vegas, NV

From the EFF Community

Our favorite comment from the larger EFF community this week, posted by Eric von Foerster on the Defend Innovation page:
"In order to compete in the global economy the patent system has to be reformed. The current system hurts commerce, stifles innovation, and limits competition. Software should not be treated the same way physical products are. Anyone who codes knows that."

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