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EFFector - Volume 19, Issue 22 - EFF Launches New Animation - Stop Hollywood's Corruptibles!


EFFector - Volume 19, Issue 22 - EFF Launches New Animation - Stop Hollywood's Corruptibles!

EFFector Vol. 19, No. 22 June, 2006

A Publication of the Electronic Frontier Foundation ISSN 1062-9424

In the 383rd Issue of EFFector:

effector: n, Computer Sci. A device for producing a desired change.

EFF Launches New Animation - Stop Hollywood's Corruptibles!

In 2006 the entertainment industry asked the government to give it incredible new powers -- the broadcast flag, digital radio restrictions, and control over all analog-to-digital devices. But in the future, those super powers will become the Corruptibles, three villains that invade your home, break your devices, and stop legitimate uses. EFF has launched a new Flash animation today that features exclusive, breaking news footage from the future:

The Corruptibles aren't real, but the powers that they represent could be. Don't let the entertainment industry try this at home. Find out more about the proposed laws and write your representatives now.

You can also watch The Corruptibles on EFF's MySpace page, Google Video, and YouTube.

S1RA Update: Encouraging Signs from DC

Yesterday, the House Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property simultaneously introduced and approved H.R. 5553, the Section 115 Reform Act (S1RA, aka SIRA). Although the measure still contains dangerous language that threatens fair use, Representatives Boucher (D-Va.) and Lofgren (D-Ca.) both explicitly stated at the hearing that they were aware of the problems and would work to fix them before the full Judiciary Committee acts on the bill. Chairman James Sensenbrenner (R-Wi.), who runs the full committee, has also expressed a preference for a consensus draft, not one awash in the unnecessary controversy created by the dangerous language that the music publishers are trying to smuggle aboard the bill.

Here's the upshot: so far, so good. The faxes and phone calls made a difference, alerting members of Congress that the music publishers were trying to pull a fast one. If we keep the pressure up, this can hopefully be cleaned up at the full committee, resulting in a sensible, focused solution to the digital music licensing mess, rather than a vehicle that lets the music industry plant a flag on unrelated fair use turf.

It's not clear whether the full Judiciary Committee will be able to act on S1RA before the summer recess, so it's important that the members of the committee continue to hear from you. Here's the message, in a nutshell:

Digital music licensing reform is a good idea, but careful amendments are needed to ensure that if you're engaged in lawful activities, you don't need a separate copyright license for every "incidental copy" made along the way; there is no implication that those who lawfully transmit over the Internet need an additional "distribution license" from copyright owners; and nothing in the bill forces us (or technology companies) to pay additional license fees to enjoy our home taping rights.

Take action on S1RA:

Line Noise talks S1RA: a new EFF Podcast

Want to learn more about S1RA and why it's dangerous? In the second edition of EFF's Line Noise podcast, we spend a few minutes walking through the controversy with EFF Senior Staff Attorney Fred von Lohmann.

To download and subscribe to Line Noise:

For EFF podcast PSAs:


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