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Bloom Filters and Async Rust for Ruleset Signing

  • Status: Deployed
  • Deciders: EFF (@zoracon and @hainish)
  • Deploy Date: 2021-03-03

Context and Problem Statement

With larger ruleset lists to be signed on the DuckDuckGo Update channel, a better way to digest and form ruleset files were needed.

Decision Drivers

  • Bloom filters are able to ingest greater data sets at less memory expense
  • Rust is already incorporated in HTTPS Everywhere and is a memory safe language

Decision Outcome

Created an async Rust script that ingests DuckDuckGo's Smarter Encryption list, compares to the Majestic Million list, and forms a bloom file and associated metadata.

Consequences and Concerns

An accepted false positive is declared when the filter is generated.


Links for Further Context