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One in five have holiday rows

Far from bringing people together in a relaxed environment, holidays are a major cause of arguments, according to a survey published today.

Conflicts start even before take-off, with one in five people quarrelling about possible destinations, figures from AA Travel Insurance suggest. Perhaps reassuringly for married couples, it's the rest of the population who are likely to fall out: one in three will row over where to go and what to do.

Nearly one in six people argued about their partner staring at members of the opposite sex on the beach while 12% argued about the clothes their partner was wearing. The data also showed 21% rowed about failing to pack important items.

Regional variations also appeared in the figures. They showed holidaymakers from Greater London were the most likely to argue about vacation activities (31%) while those in the North West were most likely to argue about forgetting things to pack (26%).

Just 11% of Scots argued about a partner looking at members of the opposite sex compared to 17% from the Midlands or Greater London.

The survey interviewed 1,002 people over the age of 16 by telephone.