POLITICO’s weekly political series lifts the curtain on how Westminster really works, offering in-depth insight into the political issues which typically only get broad-brush treatment in the wider media.

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Show notes

A boozy dinner with David Davis MP

June 17, 2022 4:44 am

Presented by Equinor.

Inside the Lobby: Westminster’s political journalists

May 27, 2022 4:47 am

Presented by Equinor.

The road to Brexit — 30 years since the Maastricht Treaty

March 18, 2022 5:16 am

Jack Blanchard looks back at the history of one of the cornerstones of the EU — and asks whether Maastricht marked the start of Brexit.

How to avoid a nuclear war

March 11, 2022 4:34 am

Jack Blanchard explores when Russian President Vladimir Putin might reach for the nuclear button and how he might be persuaded not to.

Bar room talk with Labour’s Andy Burnham

March 4, 2022 4:53 am

Jack Blanchard speaks to the mayor for Greater Manchester about the war in Ukraine, his career in British politics and what’s next for Labour.

Russia and Britain — A brief history, from Navarino to Ukraine

February 25, 2022 4:09 am

Jack Blanchard sits down with historian and former UK Foreign Secretary David Owen to chart Britain’s relationship with Russia from the 1820s to the present day.


David Davis: Ireland’s Brexit scars could take a decade to heal

Former UK Brexit secretary admits many benefits of Britain’s exit have yet to be realized, but blames the pandemic.

Keir Starmer speechwriter admits speech went on far too long

Philip Collins said parts of the Labour leader’s conference speech were ‘a bit long, a little bit baggy.’

Boris Johnson’s former spin chief blames ‘bad policy’ for UK coronavirus deaths

Lee Cain tells POLITICO’s Westminster Insider podcast: ‘You can’t make good comms of bad policy.’

‘Every phone started ringing’ — how 9/11 unfolded in Westminster

A normal day turned to horror for key players in the Blair government.

How the Brexit referendum was spun and lost

5 years on from the Brexit referendum, two key figures in the Leave and Remain campaigns reflect on what happened, and how it could have been different.


Tony Blair says G7 growing in relevance as the West lines up against China

The G7 summit in Cornwall ‘offers Britain a significant opportunity to carve out a leadership position,’ says the former prime minister.

Westminster Insider Trailer 

POLITICO’s weekly narrated story lifts the curtain on how Westminster really works, and looks in-depth at political issues which typically only get broad-brush treatment in the wider media.