E-Sign unlimited
documents for free

Sign in less than 30 seconds
No account required

SignFree - E-Sign unlimited documents for free | Product Hunt

Upload or Drop
your document to sign
Upload document

(.pdf, .docx, .png, .jpg,
.xlsx, .rtf, .tif, .jpeg, ...)

Don't worry, your document is deleted
from our servers after the signature

Tired of printing out, signing, and scanning documents manually?

Here is how SignFree works

SignFree Benefits

Free Unlimited Signatures

Our commitment is to make e-signature freely accessible to everyone: no more paper, scanning and frustrating process.


Sign your document in less than 30 seconds
No need to create an account.

100% Secure

All data is safely encrypted and only you have access to the signed document.

Do you continually send out documents
to get signed for work?

Check out our Premium features!

Try Premium

Better user experience: integration directly within Outlook & Gmail

SignFree is fully integrated with Outlook and Gmail to send documents straight from your inbox.

Request for a signature from your clients
via Mail, SMS or Whatsapp

Send a document to be signed via a simple link: no more phone calls or manual reminders.

Customer verification via SMS

For a more advanced identity verification, request the signer an additional authentication via SMS.

Join our community of SMEs who
use SignFree to get more done.

Try Premium


Check our Plans


$0 / mo
  • No account required
  • E-Sign unlimited documents
  • Multiple document formats supported
  • Integration with Gmail

Use Now


$3.99 / mo
  • E-Sign unlimited documents
  • Multiple document formats supported
  • Integration with Gmail
  • Request for signatures
  • Automatic customer reminder
  • Customer ID Verification via SMS
  • Integration with Outlook
Buy Now


$19.99 / mo
  • Up to 10 users

  • Premium Plan features
  • +
  • Customized branding with your logo
  • Centralized billing dashboard
  • Customer support via Email

Buy Now


On demand
  • Team Plan features
  • API Integration
  • Application Customization
  • Dedicated Customer Support

Contact Us

Our Story, our Manifest

We believe that everyone should have access to free electronic signature for a paperless world where we get things done and we focus on what really matters.


Frequently Asked Questions

An electronic signature is a data in electronic form which is attached to or logically associated with other data in electronic form and which is used by the signatory to sign, where the signatory is a natural person. Like its handwritten counterpart in the offline world, an electronic signature can be used, for instance, to electronically indicate that the signatory has written the document, agreed with the content of the document, or that the signatory was present as a witness.

With SignFree all you need is to drop or select your file in our webpage and use your mouse or smartphone to sign. If you want, you can install our SignFree mailbox addin in Outlook to sign any document you received by email right in Outlook.

No, you can e-sign a document in less than 30 seconds and no account or login is required.

No, your documents are automatically deleted from our servers after the signature. For this reason we ask you an email address, so the signed document is also stored in your mailbox for later consultation. If you decide not to sign the document anymore, your document is automatically deleted after few days.

Contact Us

We are PREGIOTEK, a passionate company of IT professionals and our headquarters is in Brussels, Belgium.


PREGIOTEK, Avenue Louise 54,
1050 Brussels, Belgium

Call Us

+32 2 894 06 57