How to remove the application management plug-in from Kaspersky Security Center


Kaspersky Security Center 11


How to remove the application management plug-in from Kaspersky Security Center

Back to "Installation and Removal"
Latest update: February 03, 2022 ID: 9303

To remove an application management plug-in:

  1. Close the Administration Console from which the plug-in should be removed.
  2. Open the system registry. To do so, type regedit.exe in the Windows search bar and press Enter on the keyboard.
  3. Open the registry branch:
    • For 32-bit systems: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\KasperskyLab\Components\28\Plugins
    • For 64-bit systems: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\KasperskyLab\Components\28\Plugins

    All management plug-ins installed in the Administration Console are listed in the branch. The name of the managed application is specified in the DisplayName parameter.

  4. Select the section which corresponds to the plug-in you would like to remove.
  5. Open the UninstallString parameter and copy its value.

The UninstallString parameter in the system registry

  1. Open the command line and paste the value that you have copied.
  2. Press Enter.

The plug-in will be removed.

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