How to free a license in Kaspersky Security Center


Kaspersky Security Center 10


How to free a license in Kaspersky Security Center

Back to "Licensing and Activation"
Latest update: May 26, 2021 ID: 10614

After removing Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 or 11 from a client computer, the key file may still appear in the Administration Server’s Key usage report.

In order to free a license:

  1. Open Kaspersky Security Center.
  2. Go to Managed devices.
  3. Remove the client computer from the administration group.
  4. Go to Unassigned devices.
  5. Remove the client computer from the database. 
  6. Refresh the Administration Console by pressing F5 on the keyboard.
  7. Go to the Administration Server and open the Reports tab.
  8. Right-click Key usage report.
  9. Click Refresh.

Image: Refreshing the report

If Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on the computer once again and the entries were not deleted, repeat steps 1-9 for both the computer’s old and new entries.

If you experience any issues, submit a request to Kaspersky technical support using Kaspersky CompanyAccount. Please include a detailed description of the issue. Before sending a request, read the required information in the Knowledge Base section.

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