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‘Carmen‘ æt þæm Bolscioi Pleghūse

Glīwpleg is wæferlic arþ þærin sangeras and glēohlēoþriendas fremman geweorc mid worde and drēame.

Oftost is glīwpleg gesceawen in wæferhūse mid sangeras swa sceaweras and mid glēohlēoþriendahēap in pitte be þǣre yppe.

Swylc arþcynn begann on Eotolwarum in þǣm 16. gearhunde and asprēaded ðonan in eallum westernum Europan and ēac Breten. Eotolwara glīwplegcræft heald ealdorlof oð Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Germanisc drēamwritere wrāt his weorcas þærof mǣroste sind 'Figaran Wīfgifta' (Le nozze di Figaro), Don Giovanni, and Così fan tutte (se is 'Swa dēð eal wīfcynn') ðā wrāt he in þǣm Italiscan gereorde, and 'Se Flēam of þǣm Cefanhūs' (Die Entführung aus dem Serail) 'Sēo Galdorhwistle' (Die Zauberflöte).

In þǣm 19. gearhundum cwōmon Eotolware ēac to ealdorscipe mid swlyce writere swa Iosephus Verdi and Iacobus Puccini.