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EFFector - Volume 15, Issue 34 - Canadian Surveillance Alert


EFFector - Volume 15, Issue 34 - Canadian Surveillance Alert

EFFector       Vol. 15, No. 34       November 1, 2002     [email protected]

A Publication of the Electronic Frontier Foundation     ISSN 1062-9424

In the 233rd Issue of EFFector:

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A reminder to our Canadian readers: the Canadian government is currently soliciting comments on the so-called "Lawful Access" plan, a broader version of the U.S. Communications Assistance to Law Enforcement Act (CALEA).  The Canadian proposal expands upon CALEA by covering Internet Service Providers, among other provisions.

EFF and Electronic Frontiers Canada are currently working on comments.

As part of this process, there will be a workshop (limited seating) in Vancouver, B.C. this Saturday.

Meeting Information:
DATE: Saturday, November 2, 2002
TIME: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
LOCATION: Empire Landmark Hotel
1400 Robson Street, Vancouver

[NOTE: Readers should be aware that many countries will be revamping their surveillance laws in the near future, claiming as Canada has that such "reform" is necessary in order to comply with international obligations. One source of such obligations is the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime, a treaty signed by many nations (including the United States) in late November 2001. The COE convention has not yet been ratified by the U.S. Senate, however.

The COE process, which mostly took place behind closed doors, appears to be the latest example of a clever U.S. government tactic: work hard in the international arena to get U.S. government views into treaties or other international instruments; then tell Congress that legislation is needed to bring the United States into conformity with international consensus. We saw this happen with the anti-circumvention provisions of the DMCA, which the Administration claimed were necessary to fulfill our WIPO treaty obligations.]


View the call for comments:

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Stanford University Law School's Cyberlaw Clinic announced recently that it is expanding its docket to include defending domain name holders in UDRP actions. ICANN's "Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy" (UDRP) requires every registrant in .com, .org, or .net to agree to arbitration before ICANN-selected arbitration providers if another individual, corporation or group challenges their right to use the domain name. Stanford Law School students will represent owners whose domain names have been challenged by filing responses before the Administrative Panel appointed to hear the dispute between the parties.

The Clinic is part of the Stanford Center for Internet and Society (CIS), a public interest technology law and policy program at Stanford Law School. Students enrolled in the clinic assist attorneys in advising clients and litigating cases. The clinic docket currently includes cases regarding fan fiction, anonymous speech, the right to publish information about computer vulnerabilities, open access to broadband Internet services, Internet radio, and digital libraries. CIS Director and attorney Jennifer S. Granick teaches the clinic.

Domain name owners who have been notified that an action against them has been initiated are encouraged to call (650) 723-8773 or email [email protected] with contact information and the date they were served with the challenger's complaint to learn whether Clinic student attorneys are available to represent them. Applicants should be advised that they have 20 days from the date of commencement of the UDRP action to respond and that the Clinic will not file responses for Applicants unless an Attorney Client Contract is signed. The Clinic plans to take 5-8 domain name cases a semester.

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As a supporter of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, you know the importance of sharing knowledge and ideas. Here is a chance to discuss threats to civil liberties in the electronic age with other EFF supporters in your area: has added EFF to its topics list, which means you can sign up and attend social gatherings in your area. EFF MEETUPs are local gatherings of people like you who are interested in protecting civil liberties in technology law, policy and standards, and it's free!  EFF MEETUPs are on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 8pm and can happen in up to 523 locales in 25 countries. EFF does not sponsor or organize these meetings, and EFF staffers will generally not be in attendance.  This is a grassroots gathering at its most basic.  The next MEETUP is on Tuesday, November 19 @ 8:00 PM - go to the following URL to sign up:

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The U.S. government issued its Draft Strategy to Secure Cyberspace on September 18. Public comment can be made by e-mailing your comments to [email protected]. The official submission deadline is Nov. 18. EFF will be submitting comments.


Draft Strategy to Secure Cyberspace:

Article by Neil Munro on the proposal:

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Deep Links
Deep Links features noteworthy news items, victories, and threats from around the Internet.

~ Consumers Shun Copy-Protected CDs
Study finds music fans support copying for personal use, backup.,aid,106368,tk,dn102502X,00.asp

~ Child Online Protection Act back in Court
Declan McCullagh on the latest court battle for the Child Online Protection Act.

~ Washington Internet Project's "CyberTelecom"
Interested in seeing which government agencies are accepting comments on various telecom initiatives?  WIP's "CyberTelecom" has a good listing of what's hot on various technology-policy dockets.

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  [email protected]

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