검색 결과
  1. 18시간 전

    'Prince' William doesn't want to change the basic premise of the monarchy: & birth order discrimination. He just wants good PR so he can keep benefiting from this repugnant system. He's terrified his gravy train will stop.

  2. 6시간 전

    Yet another good reason to get . And whilst I’m at it:

  3. In other words Propaganda given cold shoulder! Children’s book on the Queen’s jubilee given cold shoulder by schools in Wales and Scotland

  4. 17시간 전

    But still nothing from the Supreme Governor of the Church of England, Elizabeth Windsor?

  5. 4월 30일

    If they really want to “modernise the monarchy”, then they should all abdicate, in favour of a republic.

  6. 4월 30일

    'Sources' are again claiming that William Windsor wants to "modernise" the monarchy. Monarchy. Cannot. Be. Modernised. Monarchy is institutionalised racism. It is incompatible with modern values.

  7. 17시간 전
  8. 4월 26일

    is outdated. Case in point, they missed the opportunity to modernize the monarchy by embracing Meghan Markle's ideas, intelligence, drive, and style. Instead, they continue to do what they've always done and are making themselves irrelevant.

  9. 7시간 전

    Is this for real? Are the majority of BBC subscribers all looking at pictures of Princess Charlotte!!!

  10. 4월 23일

    “We know however that everyone in your family continues to live in the splendour, pomp and wealth attained through the proceeds of the crimes.” 🎯 🎯 🎯 Nothing but facts!!!

  11. 5시간 전
    님, 님에게 보내는 답글

    If Queenie paid spare bedroom tax we could probably clear the budget deficit in a couple of years, quicker still if her kids and grandkids did the same.

  12. 18시간 전

    Of course an abdication wouldn't itself end the monarchy, as the 'job' could be offered to the next person in line. But if William & Harry both declined it, then the next in line would be Andrew - at which point everyone would surely prefer to !

  13. 4월 30일

    So the ‘jubbly” weekend is about saying ‘thank you” … What for exactly? I can’t think of single thing Liz Windsor has done to improve life for me or my family. Zero meaningful legacy.

  14. 님에게 보내는 답글

    Would prefer it if Her Maj actually stayed back down in Englandshire. The Monarchy are outdated and not required anywhere.

  15. 23시간 전
    님에게 보내는 답글

    None of the gormless Windsor brood are leaders. The queen has been head of state for 70 years & hasn't said anything memorable in all that time except 'it has been an annus horribilis' when she was feeling sorry for herself. They can all go to the U.S. for me

  16. 4월 30일
    님, 님에게 보내는 답글

    Many people would prefer to see the monarchy end, and the UK become a republic.

  17. 4월 25일
    님, 님, 님에게 보내는 답글

    The world no longer cares about the royal family. They are an outdated set of racists who made their wealth from slavery and stealing. It’s time to close the chapter of colonialism and let countries rule themselves independently.

  18. 13시간 전

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