SE Labs

Posts tagged 'home user'

DE:CODED – Can Microsoft solve security?

“I have a PC… I like their delete key, which doesn’t exist on the Mac.”

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Series 1 | Series 2 | YouTube

🥇 Winner of the Best Up & Coming Podcast 2021 award 🥇

Show notes for series 2, episode 1

Can Microsoft solve security? Do you need anti-virus on your smartphone? And are Macs more secure than PCs?

We ask Eugene Kaspersky (Kaspersky) and Christian Seifert (Microsoft).

This episode’s Security Life Hack from Mikko Hyppönen (WithSecure)!

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Security planning for normal people

The first security technique you should master!

Security planning for normal people

Security planning can make your life easier to manage. It’s easy to become paralysed when you consider all of the threats that exist and all of the possible solutions. You can’t buy every security product available and you certainly shouldn’t even try.

There are risks that we all face (let’s call those ‘general risks’) and risks that are quite specific to you (‘individual risks’).

Security planning for anyone, whether you are the CEO of a large enterprise or a retired amateur gardener, should take into account what risks you (specifically) face and the consequences of something bad actually happening.

General risks

In this article we’re going to focus on cybersecurity, but the principles apply to any area of your life. In the computing world there are three major threats that we all face:

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DE:CODED Series Two Episodes

All episodes of DE:CODED, Series Two

New episodes on the last Wednesday of the month.

Find all of the episodes from the award-winning DE:CODED Series Two in one handy place.

SUBSCRIBE! Use one of the ‘Listen on’ links below to keep updated using your favourite podcast platform.

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Series 1 | Series 2 | YouTube

🥇 Winner of the Best Up & Coming Podcast 2021 award 🥇

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Choose the best security product

By understanding the rules of security testing.

choose the best security product

The reports below contain security testing results. You can compare the performance of a variety of products that claim to protect you against online threats. This, in theory, will help individuals and businesses choose the best security product.

AMTSO-Compliant Test

Rules of engagement

But these are free reports. How can you trust that the high-scoring vendors didn’t just pay for their ranking? Do you suspect that some low-scoring vendors dropped out of the report? Or asked to be retested until they scored better?

What are the rules behind the scenes in security testing?


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DE:CODED Transcriptions Online

Transcriptions of the DE:CODED podcast are now available.

DE:CODED Transcriptions

Sometimes you just want to scan a wall of text to find the details you need. That’s impossible with a podcast. You often find yourself listening to different episodes, trying to find the nugget of information you half-remember hearing.

Read our podcast

To help make our podcasts more accessible we have published full transcripts of each episode. Series One is complete and we’ll continue to transcribe Series Two when we start publishing its episodes.

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Bluffer’s guide to home cyber security

Keep your devices safe and help others too!

home cyber security

Everyone needs to protect themselves online. There is a lot of advice out there but much of it is confusing and contradictory. We’ll show you simple but effective steps you can take to put yourself in the top ranks. And you can help your friends and loved ones stay safe too.

Welcome to the Bluffer’s Guide to Home Cyber Security!

This article is going to tell you everything you need to know to stay safe online. It won’t baffle you with too much detail. But rest assured, although the steps are simple they are backed up by our thorough and unbiased understanding of how computer security works. We don’t have anything to sell you. This is all good, free advice.

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How to test for ‘false positives’

False positives are not all equal. Or always real false positives!

How to test for 'false positives'

Security tests ought to test for ‘false positives’. It’s important to see if a security product stops something good on a customer’s system, as well as the bad stuff.

Measuring the balance in security

Almost nothing in this world can be reduced to ‘good’ or ‘bad’ accurately. There is too much subtlety: what’s good for one person is bad for another. Someone else might feel neutral about it, or slightly positive or negative. The same applies when testing security products. It’s rare to get a straightforward good/ bad result.

An anti-malware product might block all threats but also all useful programs. It might ask the user frequent and unhelpful questions like, “Do you want to run this ‘unknown’ file?” Alternatively, it might let everything run quietly. Or prevent some things from running without warning or explanation. Maybe you want to see alerts, but maybe you don’t.

We look at how to put the nuance back into security testing.

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Testing security from Zero to Neo

Endpoint protection against different types of attacker tested.

Testing security from Zero to Neo

Our reports are based on ‘testing security from zero to Neo’. Their wide scope helps you choose the best anti-malware product, that can protect you from ransomware and other types of attack.

AMTSO-Compliant Test

Targeted attacks come in all levels of sophistication

There seems to be no limit to the powers of cyber criminals. In 2021 the public became aware of the advanced capabilities of the NSO group, now infamous for helping governments spy on dissidents and others.


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SE Labs Annual Report 2021

Awards, Testing Advice and a 6-year Endpoint Protection Review

Our third annual report is now online. Free for all, it highlights the cybersecurity trends of this year. Which security products were the strongest? How are they tested? And how can you learn more about assessing security?

Annual Awards and Advanced Security Testing

It’s been six years since we started testing endpoint security. We’ve trawled through all of our previous reports to show an interesting summary of how various products have performed over a long period of time. See who has improved and what challenges caused some products to fail.

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Ransomware Protection Tested

Red screens means red faces. Prevent, don’t pay!

Ransomware Protection Tested

Ransomware is causing all the rage right now. That’s why we’ve tested products that offer protection from ransomware.

AMTSO-Compliant Test

It’s the type of threat that gets attention because a successful attack is extremely visible (the attacker needs you to know it’s worked, or you won’t pay!) Also, there is a direct and substantial cost attached to it. In addition to paying security specialists to help, there’s a fat ransom demand sitting on your screen.

Ransomware isn’t subtle

While much hacking is subtle, stealing information silently, ransomware is in your face. It stops businesses in their tracks. It gets the attention of the finance directors. It provides powerful ammunition to security teams arguing for more resources. And, of course, it makes headlines.


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SE Labs Ltd is a private, independently-owned and run testing company that assesses security products and services. The main laboratory is located in Wimbledon, South London. It has excellent local and international travel connections. The lab is open for prearranged client visits.


SE Labs Ltd
Hill Place House
55A High Street
SW19 5BA

020 3875 5000

[email protected]
