The Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organization (AMTSO) is an international non-profit association that focuses on addressing the global need for improvement in the objectivity, quality and relevance of anti-malware testing methodologies.

Our members

AMTSO is a member-driven organization, and all our activities are directed and steered by our members. 

Members contribute to AMTSO through participation in discussions at our regular in-person meetings, and on our member mailing list and member website. Our Board of Directors is elected by and from the membership, and the Executive Team comprises mainly member volunteers.

AMTSO team


What is AMTSO?

AMTSO is a community of over 60 member organizations, comprising security vendors and expert test labs from around the world. 

Active since 2008, AMTSO aims to drive improvement in all forms of testing of anti-malware and related security solutions. 

We achieve this through regular member meetings and active online collaboration, bringing testers and vendors together to share their experiences and ideas.

What does AMTSO do?

AMTSO develops standards and guidelines for anti-malware testing, providing advice and guidance to the expert testers among our membership and to others starting out in testing.

AMTSO brings together its members to discuss important issues facing testers and vendors alike. In-person meetings and active online discussion forums help our members learn from each other.

AMTSO builds and hosts tools for both expert testers and everyday consumers.

What services are provided by AMTSO?

AMTSO develops and maintains the Testing Protocol Standard, a framework for fair, open and trustworthy testing of security solutions. We publish details of all tests following the Standard.

We also develop and publish detailed guidelines and best practices documents covering various important issues in testing.

We operate free tools for users to check their security products are properly configured – the AMTSO Security Features Check (SFC).

Who runs AMTSO?

AMTSO’s activities are overseen by a volunteer Board of Directors, elected by and from the AMTSO membership. An Executive Team combining volunteers and paid professionals carries out the day-to-day running of the organization. 

Major issues are frequently referred to the membership for approval by vote. AMTSO also has an Advisory Board of trusted industry experts. 

You can find more details about the team behind AMTSO above.

What is AMTSO membership?

AMTSO currently has over 60 members from across the security and testing industries. 

We hold regular meetings in locations around the globe to debate the latest issues facing both testers and developers of security products. We host a members-only website, and run mailing lists and several active working groups where ongoing projects and breaking topics are discussed. 

We also maintain the Real Time Threat List (RTTL), a live feed of the latest and most prevalent malware samples with attached telemetry data to allow for focused testing.

How can I become an AMTSO member?

AMTSO membership is open to academics, reviewers, publications, testers and vendors, subject to guidelines determined by AMTSO. 

We welcome any company or individual with an interest in improving testing of security products.

You can find more information on joining AMTSO on our joining page.

How can I check if my vendor is an AMTSO member?

Details of our members can be found on our list of member organizations. Many of our members highlight their membership by posting our member logo on their websites.

How do I contact AMTSO?

You can find all our contact information on our Contact page. 

Additional information for press is available on our Press page.

What sort of organization is AMTSO?

AMTSO is a mutual benefit non-profit organization, incorporated in California as a 501(c)(6) class corporation.

AMTSO was founded in 2008 to improve the business conditions related to the development, use, testing and rating of anti-malware products and solutions. Any individual or entity that is genuinely dedicated to the purposes of AMTSO is welcome to join the organization.

What is AMTSO's charter and mission?

AMTSO’s charter focuses on the following four areas:

  • Providing a forum for discussions related to the testing of anti-malware and related products.
  • Developing and publicizing objective standards and best practices for testing of anti-malware and related products.
  • Promoting education and awareness of issues related to the testing of anti-malware and related products.
  • Providing tools and resources to aid standards-based testing methodologies.

Legal documentation

How to support AMTSO

AMTSO stands for integrity, responsibility and fairness in testing: