Register for demo | RBAC at scale, Oracle CDC Source Connector, and more within our Q2 Launch for Confluent Cloud

Set Your
Data in Motion

Your business is in motion. Now, you have a data platform for it. Confluent makes it easy to connect your apps, data systems, and entire organization with real-time data flows and processing.

Try Confluent for Free >

Instacart added half a million new customers when the pandemic hit. Here’s how Confluent helped make it happen with data streaming.

To truly tap into Kafka, you need Confluent

You love Apache Kafka®, but not managing it. Our cloud-native, complete, and fully managed service goes above & beyond Kafka so your best people can focus on delivering value to your business.

Why you need Confluent

No more cluster sizing, over-provisioning, failover design, and infrastructure management. With 120+ connectors, stream processing, security & data governance, and global availability for all of your data in motion needs.

Rest assured with our 99.99% uptime SLA combined with automatic patching and load balancing, all supported by the data in motion experts with over 1 million hours of Kafka experience. Get started in minutes and lower your costs by up to 60%.

Why you need Confluent

Endless Possibilities. Limitless Use Cases.

Empower every team to create real-time value. Explore a few popular use cases.

  • Customer 360
  • Fraud Detection
  • Microservices
  • Hybrid and Multicloud

Customer 360

Connected Customer Experiences

When your customers’ transactions and interactions are locked away in specialized systems, you need to carefully stitch together data sets for a single source of customer truth. Or you can use Confluent!

With Confluent, capture and process customer interactions as they happen. Unlock a data-rich view of their actions and preferences and engage with them in the most meaningful ways, personalizing their experiences, across every channel, in real time.

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Fraud Detection

Real-time Fraud Detection

When it comes to fraud, every second matters. However, data to combat fraud is often locked away in siloed databases that don’t talk to each other and when they do, data is processed in batches which can’t surface insights or prevent unauthorized activity in real-time.

With Confluent, connect and access all the data required to analyze, detect and prevent fraud in real-time. Serve your machine learning systems with continuous streams of data to score transactions faster, keep the digital identity of your customer up to date and instantly alert on abnormal activity.

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Event-driven Microservices

Loosely coupled microservices are the latest development trend providing greater agility for fast innovation.

But how do these services pass data and share state with the apps they serve? If one service crashes, how do you ensure it doesn’t affect another? As you scale to thousands of services, how do you not sacrifice security?

Use Confluent to completely decouple your microservices, standardize on inter-service communication and eliminate the need to maintain independent data states. Build a new class of microservices that are highly scalable, resilient in design and contextually aware.

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Hybrid & Multicloud

Data Mobility Across On-Premises and Cloud

Moving applications to the cloud is a massively complex undertaking. And because some applications can be intricately tied to your legacy systems, migration may not even be an option.

With Confluent, embrace the cloud at your pace and maintain a persistent data bridge to keep data across all on-prem, hybrid and multicloud environments in sync. Incrementally migrate to the cloud, enable developers to access the best-of-breed cloud tools and build next-gen apps faster.

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Why Confluent

We Are the Only Company Focused on Data in Motion and Your Success


We’ve completely re-architected Kafka for the cloud to be elastically scalable and globally available - providing a serverless, cost-effective, and fully managed service ready to deploy, operate, and scale in a matter of minutes.


Confluent completes Kafka with 120+ connectors, stream processing, enterprise security & governance, global resilience, and more, eliminating the burden and risk of building and maintaining these in-house.


Whether in the cloud, across multiple clouds, or on-prem, Confluent has you covered - best of all, you can seamlessly link it all together in real-time to create a consistent data layer across your business.

Success Stories

Trusted by the World’s Leading Organizations

"Kafka and Confluent are the backbone of our digital omnichannel transformation and success at Walmart."

"Confluent Cloud made it possible for us to meet our tight launch deadline with limited resources. With event streaming as a managed service, we had no costly hires to maintain our clusters and no worries about 24x7 reliability."

"Confluent is our central nervous system for everything from customer-facing apps to our distribution center operations."

What can we do for you?

Take our truly cloud-native and complete Kafka platform for a test drive everywhere you need it.

Fully Managed Cloud-native Service

All the power of Confluent. No infrastructure required.

Self-Managed Software

Enterprise-ready software for workloads that remain on-premises.