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Podcast Episode - Wordle and the Web We Need

Electronic Frontier Foundation
The leading nonprofit defending
digital privacy, free speech,
and innovation.

The leading nonprofit defending digital privacy, free speech, and innovation.

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Speech-Related Offenses Should be Excluded from the Proposed UN Cybercrime Treaty

Governments should protect people against cybercrime, and they should equally respect and protect people's human rights. However, across the world, governments routinely abuse cybercrime laws to crack down on human rights by criminalizing speech. Governments claim they must do so to combat disinformation, “religious, ethnic or sectarian hatred,” “rehabilitation of...

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EFF a la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos: La vigilancia de Colombia sobre el grupo de abogados defensores de los derechos humanos violó el derecho internacional

EFF, Artículo 19, Fundación Karisma y Privacy International, representados por la Clínica Jurídica Internacional de Derechos Humanos de Berkeley, instaron a la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos a dictaminar que el marco legal existente en Colombia que regula las actividades de inteligencia y la vigilancia ilegal y arbitraria de...

A magnifying glass examines a folder marked "secret"

San Francisco Police Nailed for Violating Public Records Laws Regarding Face Recognition and Fusion Center Documents

By unanimous vote, San Francisco's public records appeals body ruled last night that the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) violated state and local laws when it failed to respond adequately to EFF's requests for documents about face recognition and the department's relationship with the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center (NCRIC),...

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