


Technical documentation refers to any documentation that contains information regarding a technical product, process, or task.

Documentation for Wikimedia projects is widely spread across different wikis and websites. This page focuses on technical documentation for MediaWiki and related software.

Why contribute to technical documentation?

Technical documentation is an important part of Wikimedia technical projects. Quality documentation is especially important for open-source projects where folks from all over the world are working together. It provides history, context, accurate information, and repeatable steps that people can follow.

If you are interested in contributing to Wikimedia's technical projects, improving technical documentation can be a good starting place.

Where to find Wikimedia technical documentation

There are many Wikimedia technical projects, and sometimes it can be difficult to determine the best place to find or publish technical documentation. Following is a list of the main places to find Wikimedia technical documentation.

  • MediaWiki - MediaWiki software documentation and technical documentation for many other Wikimedia technology projects. This is the default space for publishing technical documents about Wikimedia technology.
  • Wikitech - Technical documentation for Wikimedia Foundation infrastructure and services. This includes production clusters, Wikimedia Cloud Services, Toolforge hosting, the Beta Cluster, and other data services.
  • Wikidata - Technical documentation related to the Wikidata project, particularly the Tools page.
  • PAWS - Documentation about PAWS, Wikimedia's hosted Jupyter notebooks instance. Notebooks are frequently used to create tutorials and documentation for Wikimedia technology.
  • Phabricator - Phabricator is a collaboration tool that is used by the Wikimedia technical community for task and bug management. You can find many issues and software projects documented here. Use best practices for software documentation when filing tasks and interacting in this space.

Who uses Wikimedia technical documentation?

Explore Audiences for Wikimedia technical documentation to find out about the types of people who use Wikimedia technical documentation and their motivations.

Documentation structure
  • Technical Manual - Information about the MediaWiki Software.
  • Help pages - end-user specific documentation and Special pages provide some on-demand documentation.
  • Any project based documentation: user guides, API documentation, tutorials, development information and reference materials related to specific projects.
Autogenerated docs
Other docs
  • /docs directory - The 'docs' directory contains various text files that explain the most important parts of the code of MediaWiki.

Get started

New to technical documentation on Wikimedia projects? This page will help you get started right away.